There are two types of people they may use from this site, regular members and Pub members. If there is a chance to get in a beta program you will see Scott post a thread on the main board if they are just looking for general members. Sometimes they want it to be a little more private and want more specific members and Scott will only post a thread in the Pub members area. They don't happen all that often so you might as well just relax and enjoy all the other discussions while you wait.
I never knew until I googled Dish Beta about them using this site to pool beta testers...I was contacted through Betabound.
Anyone who is interested in beta testing as a hobby -- albeit with some long breaks now and then between tests, join Betabound.
The NDA and all are the same. And I'm sure I'm not at liberty to disclose what betas I am in. I will say that the entire Sling beta thing was a little confusing, but led to something else.
For reference, yesterday people who are signed up with betabound should've received an invitation to apply for a beta for a thermostat. Things are kinda quiet if you look at their opportunity page because of new year stuff, but it usually picks up around march/april and stays busy with betas until november.