saw that today, reacquired Rise for $9.99 there and picked up Unbroken at Target for $6.99...Planet of the Apes: 5 Disc Collection
Amazon product ASIN B005FHWWXQ
$19.99 on Amazon and Best Buy
They've been saying that for at least three years now.Saw this on Cord Cutters today: Best Buy Will Reportedly Stop Selling DVDs and Blu-Ray Starting Next Year | Cord Cutters News
Well, that would suck. And Amazon makes some titles only available via Prime Streaming, so if I want to own it, I buy it from Best Buy instead. I have a huge library of physical media, and it grows more (albeit more slowly now) almost monthly. Yes, streaming is a big thing, I get that, but some titles I still want to own my own copy of...most movie fans like me do have large libraries of physical media. The streaming services (and I'm not going to sub to all of them, that's just nuts) are always cycling content in/out and consequently, a film I may want to watch might not be available, or may be on one I don't sub to. I dropped Netflix about a year ago when they priced themselves out of my price-point ($15/month). Disney+ is now $1 below my price-point. That's why physical media (to me) is an important option. It's a one-time purchase for unlimited viewings as opposed to a monthly fee that can go up when they want to raise it, or whenever they decide to pull it from their offerings...Saw this on Cord Cutters today: Best Buy Will Reportedly Stop Selling DVDs and Blu-Ray Starting Next Year | Cord Cutters News
They've been saying that for at least three years now.
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