You could always "move" to Buffalo. Almost all of the games are covered on Regional Sports Network (RSN) which is MSG.
While that would work for getting Sabres games on Dish, if the OP has the Local's package for this area, he will NOT be able to get the Locals in NC if he "MOVES" to get Sabres Games and he is WAY OUTSIDE the spotbeam carrying the Buffalo Locals.
So if he wants Local Channels from Dish he can't get Sabres games without Center Ice, If wants Sabres Games without Center Ice he will NOT be able to get local Channels from Dish. It's an either or.
BTW Center Ice Rocks, love the CBC coverage of the NHL, every Weekend I get my fix of Don Cherry, the best tell it like it is and to H#$$ with anybody else talk on the NHL. Lastly the CBC talks about all the NHL and not just Canadian Teams, unlike the RSN's "Homer" Post game talk, where most of the NHL Center Ice feeds come from.
I agree -- I really like the CBC "Hockey Night in Canada" coverage. It's been 22 years since I left Canada and it's a real treat to experience this again. And Don Cherry hasn't changed much -- still wears a hideous sports jacket and tie, and is still as obnoxious and opinionated as ever! I especially like the explanation he gave on why the stick curve maximum has increased this year. Seems like it was "Jami" Jagr's fault. The European players have had the increased curve for years and apparently "Jami" lobbied long and hard enough to have the NHL change the maximum...
And one other cool thing to keep in mind about CI on E* as opposed to D* or cable, is E* usually gives you both broadcasts for each city (provided the game is shown in both markets). So let's say you are a Buffalo fan, then you will get to watch the Buffalo feed for most every game! E* are the only ones that do this, afaik.
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