Iceberg said:yep. When it hits a VCII channel the screen tells you the signal (which is nice)![]()
looks like somebody has a weekend project all lined up
Tron said:Someday a kid will grab the wagon or a dog will run off with the dog food tub and you'll be out tweaking!
I'm almost afraid to ask...
Iceberg said:congrats on the nets.
Yes they seem to hold even at low signal. Try and push the LNB in farther (mine is at the 38 line) and it shuld go up![]()
voomvoom said:Tracy, if I was you, I would get a high gain splitter and split the coax from the loop-out and hook both the C and ku on the Uniden up and see if it will work like that. I think it will, and I see no reason for it not to. That way you won't have to switch the coax back and forth on the back of the Uniden, when you're watching analog C or ku. Just a thought and it might not work.
Edit: also, I would be interested to know if it will pick up the other band from whichever you have tuned in on the Fortec. I know it would if you wired it as in the diagram I showed you in the earlier post, but if you do it like this, I think it will only get the band the Fortec is on, just like it will only get the polarity. But, if the loop-out is a passthrough (and I think it is), it should work.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:I'm thinking about putting the dish back at G4 and peaking the signal for that. Then when I get bored or want to catch a hot feed I can "Ghetto move" to G3, IA5, IA6 etc. for analog. I shouldn't have to touch the LNB to get reasonable signal for nearby analog birds.
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