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C. Dolan Fork up another $10mil and refund bow ownere | SatelliteGuys.US

C. Dolan Fork up another $10mil and refund bow ownere


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 9, 2004
C. Dolan fork up another $10mil and refund box owners

Chuck, why don't you fork up another $10m to refund the box owners you apparently ripped off. You had a lot of strong supporters that you let down in the wrong way, at least make good on their money. You are not half the man everyone says you are.

Ahhhhhhh.... He did not force you to buy the box AND VOOM did offer to credit accounts for us who purchased it. You had the chance to convert to rental mode and receive a credit. I did not take it so I am stuck with a paper weight but I am NOT blaming Dolan or VOOM.
Ken, that is just a little low. You bought the box, didn't take their offer for the credit back and conversion to the lease plan. So, now you're blaming them? And it's not April 30 yet. Maybe they surprise us, as boxowners with a partial refund. CVC will have to book large write-offs. A (partial) refund to the few thousand boxowners that are left, may not have a big impact and they may decide to do the 'right' thing. But, to be honest, and I have already mentioned that in several (similar) other posts, I don't feel they have a responsibilty here. As early boxowner, I could have taken their offer. Didn't do that. It's was my gamble. And I can't blame them for my choice.
I just hope that they san pull out a rabbit out the hat this time...
I just got it the 31 of march and want my 39 channels...
Maybe E* star will offer the channels.
I just wish someone would buy voom and then keep the service...
Voomin@720p said:
Ahhhhhhh.... He did not force you to buy the box AND VOOM did offer to credit accounts for us who purchased it. You had the chance to convert to rental mode and receive a credit. I did not take it so I am stuck with a paper weight but I am NOT blaming Dolan or VOOM.
I was not aware of the conversion to lease at the time. By the time I heard about it, it was too late. I was also promised by a CSR that VOOM would never go under because it was part of Cablevision. I trust people. I was told the only way VOOM would stop is if Cablevision went under.

So you are correct, noone told be to buy it, but when I started there was only one choice in Oct '03.
MarcelV said:
Ken, that is just a little low. You bought the box, didn't take their offer for the credit back and conversion to the lease plan. So, now you're blaming them? And it's not April 30 yet. Maybe they surprise us, as boxowners with a partial refund. CVC will have to book large write-offs. A (partial) refund to the few thousand boxowners that are left, may not have a big impact and they may decide to do the 'right' thing. But, to be honest, and I have already mentioned that in several (similar) other posts, I don't feel they have a responsibilty here. As early boxowner, I could have taken their offer. Didn't do that. It's was my gamble. And I can't blame them for my choice.
As I said I believed the CSR when I was told VOOM was apart of Cablevision and had their backing. I was not aware of the ability to convert to lease until it was too late. I just don't like the way this whole thing went down. One minute they are expanding, the next minute he votes against it.

I think I respect Jim Dolan more than the other brother. At least Jim took a stance. I would have felt better if there was a 15-2 vote, but 15-0, sorry that just kills me. Also, the lack of notice to their employees sucked. Just my 2c. I really believed in VOOM when the rest of my famaily didn't.

I am just bloing off some built up steam. Adding new channels, website up, website down, website up. Letter saying our bills are going down, channels line up is expanding, DVR is soon to be released and then a 15-0 vote to shut down.

MarcelV said:
Ken, that is just a little low. You bought the box, didn't take their offer for the credit back and conversion to the lease plan. So, now you're blaming them? And it's not April 30 yet. Maybe they surprise us, as boxowners with a partial refund. CVC will have to book large write-offs. A (partial) refund to the few thousand boxowners that are left, may not have a big impact and they may decide to do the 'right' thing. But, to be honest, and I have already mentioned that in several (similar) other posts, I don't feel they have a responsibilty here. As early boxowner, I could have taken their offer. Didn't do that. It's was my gamble. And I can't blame them for my choice.
I know it was a little low, guess I am a little peeved. I can blame them for not managing the business correctly. How many subs would we of had if the equipment was messed up in the begining and the programming was there.

You guys know how much I loved and supported VOOM and convinced a lot of my neighbors to join. I didn't tell them there was a risk. I finally realized there was a risk when poop started hitting the fan late in Q4 '04.

How about people taht just bought boxes last week. VOOM new they were closing down. Inew something was up weeks ago when WGN didn't show up. They could have given new customers a better heads up.

I am sorry, they need to do write buy us. Let's say 25% of us boxes or even 10,000 subs out of 50,000. I have 4 boxes. I think a $1,000 credit is due which would only amount to 10K not 10M. Don't you think that is fair?

Sorry, I guess all I want is my VOOM back ;-(
MarcelV said:
Ken, that is just a little low. You bought the box, didn't take their offer for the credit back and conversion to the lease plan. So, now you're blaming them? And it's not April 30 yet. Maybe they surprise us, as boxowners with a partial refund. CVC will have to book large write-offs. A (partial) refund to the few thousand boxowners that are left, may not have a big impact and they may decide to do the 'right' thing. But, to be honest, and I have already mentioned that in several (similar) other posts, I don't feel they have a responsibilty here. As early boxowner, I could have taken their offer. Didn't do that. It's was my gamble. And I can't blame them for my choice.
You don't have responsibility, knowing they were going under two weeks ago, and I know that from an internal source of cablevision. Why were they still selling $500.00 boxes to new people. They damn are responsible, but then again maybe Martha Stewart wasn't either. Sorry for tone but I am pissed.

I am not saying your opinion is wrong, but I think they were being a little deceiptful and could have been more forthcoming.

Just my opinion.
This is sort of a no win situation, admittedly Im a leaser so it doesnt directly effect me. Those that BOUGHT a unit in the last month or so I can definitly understand and agree should be rebated or something. If you bought it sometime last yr then its a little different. Since my understanding is they did offer a way to become leased and recoup expense, whether a person took advantage or not of the offer is not Vooms responsability. At least they offered something. If the offer was over but a person was new at the time of the offer Im sure standing your ground you could of still gotten the deal.

Seems like should be something like
a) Bought withing last Month, 90-100% refund on boxes
b) Bought 2 months ago 80%
c) bought 3 months ago 70%
and so on, some sort of prorate based on length of ownership/usage, I mean if you bought your box a yr ago you did get a fair amount of usage out of it didnt you?

I still wish we'd see a "Somehow Dolan Saves Voom AGAIN" type post but I fear this time its final so for now am just gonna enjoy my vava till it shuts off (cries profusly) and then pray comcast in Denver gets a rolling on more HD & isnt totally untolerable PQ. Seen some posts saying their not too bad and then others saying terrible so I guess I wont know till its in to compare. Figures tho, they had 1 install opening for today, Sunday, but am expecting my SC to be cancelled because of Freak blizzard over colorado today, go figure
MarcelV said:
Ken, that is just a little low. You bought the box, didn't take their offer for the credit back and conversion to the lease plan.

Could someone provide proof that VOOM "offered" to convert any box purchasers to the lease plan.

My memory is that you had to call up and say you wanted an uninstall and re-install to get them to make the switch. Even then, you had to get the right CSR and they told me that if I switched I would lose my charter member pricing and the free conversion to the DVR when it came out in two weeks.
Chuck did all he could. That is a low blow. Uncalled for. Maybe he will do something in the future.
kfried001 said:
Sorry, I guess all I want is my VOOM back ;-(
You're not the only one, trust me. I am disappointed in the shutdown, too. And yes, most of the frequent visitors know you loved and praised Voom. That's why your initial post surprised me.
Any time you purchase equipment, you're assuming risk. Heck, even if you buy D* or E* equipment, there's a risk. I doubt either company will go under, but the receivers could certainly become obsolete as technology changes.

As with any 'start-up' company, there is always added risk. A lot of companies go under in their first few years, and their investors and customers are left out to dry.

As for Chuck voting for the shut-down in the final vote, my guess would be that he was not able to get the financial backing that he needed to keep things alive. He put his neck and $ out on the limb for us, but he's not stupid. IF he couldn't find any financing, then I don't think he had a choice. (as much as it pains me to say it)
scottie_h said:
As for Chuck voting for the shut-down in the final vote, my guess would be that he was not able to get the financial backing that he needed to keep things alive. He put his neck and $ out on the limb for us, but he's not stupid. IF he couldn't find any financing, then I don't think he had a choice. (as much as it pains me to say it)

The problem with that logic is that C.Dolan SAID HE HAD ALL FUNDING 2 months ago when they closed down the first time. Remember, one letter internal voom saying to shutdown, and then a second email internal to voom 10 minutes later from C.Dolan saying the 'FUNDING *IS* in place' (His quotes)

That is why I feel like they lied somewhere/somehow! This is all going to hurt alot of people, forget the subscribers, we lose tv, but alot of people stuck it out because of promises and innuendo from C. Dolan.

I know he tried to keep it going, but has done a 'piss-poor' job at communicating with everyone! THe voom system itself has a message system, and every day I went to it to see latest news and all it showed was messages about a movie or show on tomorrow. Heck, it STILL says this stuff, like nothing is wrong!

I suppose those who purchased a Tucker or a De Lorean should get a refund? How about the suckers who dumped their money into useless tech stocks? Should they get a refund? Being an early adopter has it's risks, hopefully you can use it as an OTA tuner and not a paperweight when it's all over.
DarrellP said:
I suppose those who purchased a Tucker or a De Lorean should get a refund? How about the suckers who dumped their money into useless tech stocks? Should they get a refund? Being an early adopter has it's risks, hopefully you can use it as an OTA tuner and not a paperweight when it's all over.

Tuckers and Deloreans coninued to function after the companies went out of business. The VOOM box will not. This situation is like if a car company discontinued a single model and then caused all the existing cars of that model to stop working and then refused to provide warranty service on those cars.

The issue here is that the purchased boxes have a warranty. The warranty was offered by Cablevision. Cablevision is still in business so the warranty needs to be honored. If Cablevision does not want to provide programming so the boxes can work as warranted then they need to give people their money back.

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