I ordered a starter FTA package that includes a Patriot 36 x 31 dish. However the company has sent not only that dish but a World TV 39.5 x 30 dish by mistake and has told me to keep it due to the costly shipping charges involved. Cool
. The only issue I notice is that the World TV dish is not designed to be used with a motor. At this point I haven't ordered a motor but if things go well, I was planning on it.
Considering bigger is better with dishes (or so I've read), for those of you that know dishes, can I use some parts from the Patriot in order to use a motor with the the World TV Dish?
If I were to pick a satellite and leave the dish pointed at that one, which dish would you use?
Is replacing my DISHTV dish with the world dish a possibility? Any Benefit?

Considering bigger is better with dishes (or so I've read), for those of you that know dishes, can I use some parts from the Patriot in order to use a motor with the the World TV Dish?
If I were to pick a satellite and leave the dish pointed at that one, which dish would you use?
Is replacing my DISHTV dish with the world dish a possibility? Any Benefit?