Have a go at this one people...
"Not the seafood breakfast burrito again? Pew!"
Why did you have to squeeze the cheese? Ewww!!!
Have a go at this one people...
"Not the seafood breakfast burrito again? Pew!"
Have a go at this one people...
Here's a new picture:
Here's a new picture:
Have a go at this one people...
"Not the seafood breakfast burrito again? Pew!"
Have a go at this one people...
Breathe, breathe, Ok, now push! I think I see the head!
Have a go at this one people...
Breathe, breathe, Ok, now push! I think I see the head!That baby would be a born hockey star!
Although funny, some of these captions are starting to make me feel like the guy in the pic. How about somebody post a new one?
I'm really not sure what to say about this. Is that mccoyrj?
New picture!
Holy SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHITTTTTTTTTTT that stinks!!!!!!Now if I head butt him on the right glute, he might just drop the ball
(I see you got something "old school" pix wise this time)
New picture!
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