Thank you and ditto to all of the prior comments. This site certainly has helped me save a lot of money over the years. The technical knowledge I have gained has also been a great benefit.
I remember the very scary drive from Reno to Roseville....I still have nightmares.Congrats on 15 years! Thank you Scott for a great place to call home!
Many threads, events, dinners, drinks, memories and good times. I remember meeting many of you for the first time back at the last Satellite Expo in Memphis in 2005, then having the gang over to the facility in Roseville, CA when the Reno Satellite Expo went bust... Then there were the many dinners and fun times in Las Vegas around the CES shows..... Where has the time gone? Good Times!
Wishing SatelliteGuys continued success until all satellites fall from the sky...
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