Morning all, Woke up frm my nap awhile ago ( fell asleep on the couch) downloading now on my 2 - HR21-100's and my HR24-100. Haven't downloaded a CE for about a month now. Usually can't stay awake this late to get it done..............LOL
Welcome !
Morning all, Woke up frm my nap awhile ago ( fell asleep on the couch) downloading now on my 2 - HR21-100's and my HR24-100. Haven't downloaded a CE for about a month now. Usually can't stay awake this late to get it done..............LOL
Could it be...hr24-200 is in the stream!
- via iPhone 4S
HR23-700 just says searching with the upper left advancing numbers. At 2/4/165/30...
AriesGodofWar said:Finally! 05B3 downloading now.....
Anybody have any luck with the HR23-700?
HR23-700 Still just searching then reboots itself.
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