Lost mydtv, pandora, and YouTube.
- via iPhone 4S
this is almost always expected and if you just wait it will come back; UNLESS they removed it which I doubt. I did this CE and mine was back in about 15 mins
Lost mydtv, pandora, and YouTube.
- via iPhone 4S
charper1 said:this is almost always expected and if you just wait it will come back; UNLESS they removed it which I doubt. I did this CE and mine was back in about 15 mins
charper1 said:like I said its still there
Seem to have lost pandora and youtube on HR24-100 with Dl 05DE
this is almost always expected and if you just wait it will come back; UNLESS they removed it which I doubt. I did this CE and mine was back in about 15 mins
like I said its still there
Ok c-to-tha-Harper...benefit of doubt is hereby given. I'll check in a few and report.
- via iPhone 4S
Ok c-to-tha-Harper...benefit of doubt is hereby given. I'll check in a few and report.
- via iPhone 4S
Anyone get the HR34 download, mine is just searching?
h25 went smooth, trying to decide on the hr24. got some shows I don't wanna lose.Why ?
I just did a HR24-100 and my Hr24-500, with no trouble.
Ofcourse it's to soon to tell anything
Opps, I spoke/typed too soon, all was going well and the -500 came up in the bedroom and the -100 seems to be stuck at 98% of the 2nd step of 2 for about 5 minutes now.
h25 went smooth, trying to decide on the hr24. got some shows I don't wanna lose.
Anyone get the HR34 download, mine is just searching?
Jimbo said:don't report issue for then first 24 hours.
C'mon, jimbo! Reporting here doesn't count! Just doin it for the lolz...
- via iPhone 4S
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