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Charles Dolan to buy Voom Back? | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

Charles Dolan to buy Voom Back?

You spell fine it's your run-on sentences that never end that make your posts so distinctive but we like to read them so don't go away and we are happy you have settled on a provider and wish you the best of luck and your friend the TheTimm has been pretty funny lately so see ya later SonicRob.

No, I'm not a billionaire. If I was I would have bought VOOM. But I do own broadcast facilities that have never made a dime. Why? Because for me providing a service to the public is far more important than making tons of profit

Well then sir, you are better than everyone else out there. Because, in case you haven't noticed, we live in a capitalistic country, which means we try to make money on products/services we provide. Heck, even, "not-for-profits," are allowed to show a positive cash flow! I don't know Dolan personally but I'm guessing he does NOT have the same attitude as you do or he would have funded Voom out of his own pocket.

The Rickster
Everyone looking at it wrong

A few months ago, voom only had 2000 subscriber then it grew to 10,000, after which a few months later it was reported to be about 40,000. This shows HD is growning; the same 20,000 will be 200,000 then 2 million, then 20 million. A superior product will always shine. Voom's main expenses are fixed expenses, the satellites, all other costs are variable, such as installation when they aquire a subscriber. Voom has spent most of the money for its infrastucture and had they stayed the coarse i believe voom would have surpassed both major carriers in the next two years. Most businesses go bankrupt due to lack of money. Voom should have had deep pocket backers like Bill Gates or Paul allen, on their board and backing them financially. History would have had a different course. Charles dolan should have picked a different board, with members such as Mark Cuban, Gates, etc that would have seen the revolution. In three years the number of HD sets will jump to 40 million from 2 million today. 38 million more perspective buyers, possible voom customers.

Friends the revolution was just beginning. Even the IRaq war we lost 1400 soldeirs before the election this sunday. Sunday we will see the fruits of the revolution.

Better to have voomed and lost then never to have voomed at all. Love is always bitter in the end
Not looking at it wrong...

A few months ago, voom only had 2000 subscriber then it grew to 10,000, after which a few months later it was reported to be about 40,000. This shows HD is growning; the same 20,000 will be 200,000 then 2 million, then 20 million. A superior product will always shine. Voom's main expenses are fixed expenses, the satellites, all other costs are variable, such as installation when they aquire a subscriber. Voom has spent most of the money for its infrastucture and had they stayed the coarse i believe voom would have surpassed both major carriers in the next two years. Most businesses go bankrupt due to lack of money. Voom should have had deep pocket backers like Bill Gates or Paul allen, on their board and backing them financially. History would have had a different course. Charles dolan should have picked a different board, with members such as Mark Cuban, Gates, etc that would have seen the revolution. In three years the number of HD sets will jump to 40 million from 2 million today. 38 million more perspective buyers, possible voom customers.

Yes, Voom added subs in the year they were REALLY up and running. The problem, in the board's eyes, was it wasn't enough. They felt an obligation (and rightly so) to look after CVC shareholder's money.

As far as where HD is going, I'm not as optimistic HD will grow at the pace you mentioned. I hope you're right but I just don't see it happening. What's the reason for Joe Sixpack to go out and buy an HD set, buy an HD stb, decide which HD service is better then sit back and enjoy it? Remember, people like us around here love doing this sort of thing, however, MOST other people aren't interested in doing all of that. They just want to watch their sitcoms on local channels and be happy. They don't care if the pq is horrible (look at the pq many people live with on their cable system).

Also, dtv just had a conference call of some kind. Someone posted some of the transcript on another board. Basically, dtv said they have (in the neighborhood) of 500,000 subs. A lot more than Voom for sure but still a small fraction of their overall sub base. Oh, and the reason for the call was them talking about a switch to MPEG4. Most of the people out there with stbs will have to upgrade their stb to support MPEG4. It's still unclear who will foot the bill for this.

I really hope you're right and HD is coming but, after Voom failing (for what ever reasons), there isn't much reason for another company to make a push with HD like Voom just did. :(

And I won't get into a discussion about Iraq as we already went off tangent once in this thread... ;)

The Rickster
calikarim said:
Most businesses go bankrupt due to lack of money. Voom should have had deep pocket backers like Bill Gates or Paul allen, on their board and backing them financially. History would have had a different course. Charles dolan should have picked a different board, with members such as Mark Cuban, Gates, etc that would have seen the revolution.

Disagree. VOOM would never have achieved the subscriber numbers need to make it viable. While V* had the early HD lead D*, E* and cable would all have equaled or passed them in meaningful HD content long before they could achieve profitability. HD isn't a revolution, it's an evolution, one that will take many many years. Cuban, Gates and Allen have had their misadventures but they knew when to pull the plug (see link below for example). As for Dolan, I am very skeptical of these so called "leaked" memos. To me it smacks too much of Wall Street theater. A way for Dolan Sr. to save face while lending legitimacy to his son James for standing up to the old man.

Who Care's: " As long as Voom is on every one of the " Sub's are happy ". quit beating this into the ground. " As Ripley say's what will happen will happen "::: Most if not all of " Voom's Sub's did not like "Echostar, or Directv " : both are not a help to you, all you are is another number. " name me one of the org. customer was given a break for paying dollars and getting nothing in return .. "" give away free " Receiver's , "Programing", Name me one???????????
bryan27 said:
Hum, I'm thinking, let's see. I'm a Billionaire with a money loosing business. What do I care if it makes money? If my Billion was liquid assets in a simple interest baring savings account the interest alone would keep the business funded for centuries.

No, I'm not a billionaire. If I was I would have bought VOOM. But I do own broadcast facilities that have never made a dime. Why? Because for me providing a service to the public is far more important than making tons of profit.

That's why you aren't and will never be a billionaire. ;)

Who are you talking to ??:: I thought this was about " VOOM ":: " ok i just read the " Bs " sorry about that, but this is about " VOOM " not money ? or what if's.
kelljc said:
Who are you talking to ??:: I thought this was about " VOOM ":: " ok i just read the " Bs " sorry about that, but this is about " VOOM " not money ? or what if's.

Sorry if I offended but this whole thread is "what if's", including the title. :)

I wouldn't bother apologizing to that 'tard, NightRyder. You didn't offend him/her. Read all (or even just the beginning of) his posts. This is what he does. Jumps into a thread and makes nonsensical and atrociously puctuated posts in an attempt to piss people off. Just lookin' for a fight is my guess.
Kelljc : Grow up. And leave that crack alone.
Enough Already

People that have limited knowledge crack me up. I know from first hand experience that all this BS about their not being a big enough market for VOOM's HD push or the competition was just too tough is wrong. VOOM's biggest mistake was in marketing and installing/maintaining customers. Their is a ton of money to be made in this market. Do you think D* is advertising so heavily about their HD content b/c the market's small. So for VOOM to continue is not Charlie Dolan throwing good money after bad if some of basics are corrected.
VMI said:
People that have limited knowledge crack me up. I know from first hand experience that all this BS about their not being a big enough market for VOOM's HD push or the competition was just too tough is wrong. VOOM's biggest mistake was in marketing and installing/maintaining customers. Their is a ton of money to be made in this market. Do you think D* is advertising so heavily about their HD content b/c the market's small. So for VOOM to continue is not Charlie Dolan throwing good money after bad if some of basics are corrected.

If you truly have the answer: Then mortgage your home, cash in your retirement, go find the other enlightened(?) investor's willing to risk several billion dollars and live the American dream. :rolleyes:

The facts are the facts and I know them first hand. It's enlightenment, it's the truth of the matter.

kelljc said:
Who Care's: " As long as Voom is on every one of the " Sub's are happy ". quit beating this into the ground. " As Ripley say's what will happen will happen "::: Most if not all of " Voom's Sub's did not like "Echostar, or Directv " : both are not a help to you, all you are is another number. " name me one of the org. customer was given a break for paying dollars and getting nothing in return .. "" give away free " Receiver's , "Programing", Name me one???????????

VMI said:
The facts are the facts and I know them first hand. It's enlightenment, it's the truth of the matter.

Belief in self is the source of all delusion. Freedom from this delusion and all other delusions (which cause misery) can only occur through enlightenment.

....and in 10 years when we have 100 channels of HD will they look back at VOOM the pioneer? Apple was headed the same way as Betamax except for the brilliance of Steve Jobs. Who is VOOM's champion??
Tvlman said:
....and in 10 years when we have 100 channels of HD will they look back at VOOM the pioneer? Apple was headed the same way as Betamax except for the brilliance of Steve Jobs. Who is VOOM's champion??

Yes..... and during Mac World Steve Jobs said more than once, "This is the year of HD" .......... And the head of SONY was on stage with him ..... all they need now is VOOM to jump on board ....... actually, I think Jobs has a "Movie Store" in mind, like the iTunes store, only movies.

I wish we would hear something from that meeting!

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