On a really good, your upload won't go any higher but your download should hit 116-117. 94, 110, etc are nothing to complain about either though !
Yep, I've got 117/11.8 right now. Can't stop running speed tests.....
On a really good, your upload won't go any higher but your download should hit 116-117. 94, 110, etc are nothing to complain about either though !
Same here. I didn't need a new modem, however the first agent messed up my upgrade and i went from 50mbps to around 20. Got a 2nd agent who said everything was good on their end and showing i should have 100megs. Kept going thru the motions of unplugging, rebooting etc and finally they said it had to be my network interface card. I said "well how come i had 50-55 megs before my upgrade and now i barely get 20"? She said it was my computer. Called and got a 3rd agent who looked at my file and said "yeah i see where the other 2 messed up. Let me clear their mess and reset everything". After 5 minutes with him i now have 100-118 megs . If at first you don't succeed......I just contacted Spectrum, and they also said our area (a little more North of you) also now has 100Mbps speeds. He is going to mail me a new modem, and I will be upgraded to the new speeds at NO monthly price increase ($64.99 internet-only (including free Epix) right now). That works fine for me!
Same here. I didn't need a new modem, however the first agent messed up my upgrade and i went from 50mbps to around 20. Got a 2nd agent who said everything was good on their end and showing i should have 100megs. Kept going thru the motions of unplugging, rebooting etc and finally they said it had to be my network interface card. I said "well how come i had 50-55 megs before my upgrade and now i barely get 20"? She said it was my computer. Called and got a 3rd agent who looked at my file and said "yeah i see where the other 2 messed up. Let me clear their mess and reset everything". After 5 minutes with him i now have 100-118 megs . If at first you don't succeed......
Had some techs come out the other day and that is true they changed out my modem but the CSR I called told me they could increase my speed over the phone now that I have the upgraded modem but I would lose my $15. WiFi discount.
So I will wait till August 2018 to go up to 100MB/5MB service,unless they keep giving me discounts.
Well I could not take it anymore called up Charter Spectrum cable told them upgrade me!
Now my download is:114.6 MB
Upload is:11.4 MB
This was taken as my grandkids are watching an HDX movie on Vudu.
I googled and downloaded the internet rate schedule for Spectrum Internet for 2018.
Prices are 100/10MB-$69.99
If you take Charter Spectrum cable TV they give you $10. off the internet price.
Oh, you're in one of those odd markets with 120 Mb/s as "standard" vs 100 Mb/s. I don't understand why Charter does that unless it's equipment-related.
can you get 100 mbps wirelessly?
can you get 100 mbps wirelessly?
Limited time offer