Devoomification. How will I live w/o Monsters & West Coast feeds?
While on a delayed trip to Norfolk this evening (jinxed from the get go) I searched the site and noted that the money back agreement from Voom lasted 30 days from 1 Feb 04 for charter members. I called to inquire on options, specifically changing to a lease. 21 minutes later, the story I got was I would not only 1) require deinstallation and reinstallation, 2) loose my charter plus pak, and 3) loose my 300 early adopter credit. While I think #1 is just bureaucratic stupidity, I could deal with that. I also new I would be sacrificing a plus pak because I would be de-chartered. Also with recent cable installation I get recordable HBO, Max, Starz, ESPN, Sho and networks via Firewire. The lone premium missing is TMC. The main missing unique content is Monsters, and despite complaints about the box, it is a well crafted HD oriented user interface that the other providers haven't figured out how to do. (Incidentally the cable guide interface is horrific).
So my biggest punch in the gut was the rumored ability to maintain the 300 credit evaporated into thin air. What to do? I decided to change to a lease after being on hold to get a conclusive answer on the 300. (I was on hold a few times). At this time I was definitely internally brooding (but ever polite). I have been accused in the past of loving Voom in lieu of documented problems and a rocky start. I could eat the initial box cost (or the 500 after "rebate"). Could I actually be upset enough to drop it, and the 50 credit I also had on my bill? Should I wait another day when the 30 days actually elapsed? Well, in my frustration I said just cut me off. I'll go cold turkey. And I became a sorrowful ex-voomer.
So lessons learned: Charter member 30 day eval period is over in one day. Think about it and tradeoffs of going lease. Let me end my short termed board administrator/helper activity (sorry Sean) by unabashedly recommending Voom to anyone wanting HD and not having access to competitive cable offerings or needing archiving right away. I'm always up for a challenging startup and appreciate a vendor with an HD focus. I wish everyone well (and may be back when Ucentric capability is available).
Sean has been trying to work arrangements for better terms for the early stalwarts. I hope he is successful.
A Voomer in heart,
While on a delayed trip to Norfolk this evening (jinxed from the get go) I searched the site and noted that the money back agreement from Voom lasted 30 days from 1 Feb 04 for charter members. I called to inquire on options, specifically changing to a lease. 21 minutes later, the story I got was I would not only 1) require deinstallation and reinstallation, 2) loose my charter plus pak, and 3) loose my 300 early adopter credit. While I think #1 is just bureaucratic stupidity, I could deal with that. I also new I would be sacrificing a plus pak because I would be de-chartered. Also with recent cable installation I get recordable HBO, Max, Starz, ESPN, Sho and networks via Firewire. The lone premium missing is TMC. The main missing unique content is Monsters, and despite complaints about the box, it is a well crafted HD oriented user interface that the other providers haven't figured out how to do. (Incidentally the cable guide interface is horrific).
So my biggest punch in the gut was the rumored ability to maintain the 300 credit evaporated into thin air. What to do? I decided to change to a lease after being on hold to get a conclusive answer on the 300. (I was on hold a few times). At this time I was definitely internally brooding (but ever polite). I have been accused in the past of loving Voom in lieu of documented problems and a rocky start. I could eat the initial box cost (or the 500 after "rebate"). Could I actually be upset enough to drop it, and the 50 credit I also had on my bill? Should I wait another day when the 30 days actually elapsed? Well, in my frustration I said just cut me off. I'll go cold turkey. And I became a sorrowful ex-voomer.
So lessons learned: Charter member 30 day eval period is over in one day. Think about it and tradeoffs of going lease. Let me end my short termed board administrator/helper activity (sorry Sean) by unabashedly recommending Voom to anyone wanting HD and not having access to competitive cable offerings or needing archiving right away. I'm always up for a challenging startup and appreciate a vendor with an HD focus. I wish everyone well (and may be back when Ucentric capability is available).
Sean has been trying to work arrangements for better terms for the early stalwarts. I hope he is successful.
A Voomer in heart,