I would be very interested in the 8008 if it were the dual dvb tuner verson. But thinkin' I'll hold out for the next incantation that addresses low symbol rates as EB mentioned over on legit.
Of course the average Joe should be concerned with anything that calls home in their Internet setup.
Dig into your router. I'm sure you'll find ways to block a device from Internet access. One way or another. Debbie Harry -esque.
Paranoia. There we go again. I stress this again. My Edision Os Mio 4k is
only a satellite receiver. I leave the other crud like Kodi and whatever the various images advertised as either included or supported.
Mine is connected with an Ethernet cable. I see no WAN traffic from it at all. All traffic being able to be seen from within my router's management interface and cable modem management interface. That's a good thing, huh?
Here's hint. Takes 5 minutes. Testing included. If Slap the receiver on a VLAN. There are ways to keep packets inside of your LAN.
I didn't test it. Might work. Give it a static IP. Don't give it a gateway or DNS. Ya never know.
Politics aside. Not actually owning your own company 100% and under watch of Mr. Big.
I might think of China as our NSA.
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