These channels were just added yesterday to the Ontario Value Pack:
- OWN (currently VIVA and will change to OWN Mar. 1st apparently)
- MovieTime
- Showcase Diva
- Action
I'm actually going to have to disagree with you on this one. There are definitely places where the limitations of the MPEG2 encoding really come through on Shaw -- especially when it comes to macroblocking on fast motion. The TSN SportsCentre intro is the most obvious example that I can think of off the top of my head.
These channels were just added yesterday to the Ontario Value Pack:
- OWN (currently VIVA and will chnage to OWN Mar. 1st apparently)
- MovieTime
- Showcase Diva
- Action
I had called Shaw about the package and they told me I couldn't add the West nets. Is that correct, or do I need to speak to another CSR to get the right answer?
You get the West nets in HD no matter what package you have. It is probaly true they do not want you to have the West nets in SD, but they should be able to add any pack to your subscription.
That's what i thought, I called at night too, maybe I'll try during the morning hours, I've had better luck then in other things I've called about. I would think if you're paying for it anyways what difference does it make.
Limited time offer