None of your "predictions" have come true. You didn't even know how Nielsen worked until I explained it to you. You don't know enough to comment, really. But, almost daily, you post the same post. "I found that some number of people dropped cable. That proves everyone will eventually". Over and over. Every day.
No, it doesn't. The people that want streaming only, have it. The people (the vast majority) that still want linear TV have it. You have numbers. You just don't know how to read them, so you go to a dead wrong conclusion. It's OK. I don't know anything about plumbing fixtures. Which is why I don't comment on them, leaving it to those who do.
BTW, howcome millions leaving the mega-profitable cable industry mean it is "dying", but, millions dropping streaming (you posted a link that reported a 49% churn rate (AKA drop rate) mean it isn't?