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CONFIRMED: New version 6.10 has arrived! (Please post your observations here) | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

CONFIRMED: New version 6.10 has arrived! (Please post your observations here)

Are these just showing up while the box is on? or in Stand-by ?

WTF, VewDew

I'm across the street from you, I guess the Satellite missed my house...LOL :shocked !?!?!
916 area code for those keeping main box is not targeted... :river

My secondary box in the bedroom died sometime since this morning, :yikes but after 2 hard boots and 2 soft ones, I got it up and checked...and it's targeted!! :D :D :D Too bad it's SD, ancient and only 20"! :( I've had a rough day, or I'd swap them now...but I'm too exhausted. But that may be a blessing in disguise, since I still see the WOW factor on my main box, and if I'm awake, being the nosy rosy that I am, I may get to snoop on the process! :)

In any event, I await the event excitedly! :bounce May have to set that alarm for 2AM!! :D :D @party :clap :bow :rainbow :heart

Looks like I've dodged the bullet in either case...

JimP said:

Mine still shows "not available" for targeted software.

I guess that's a bummer. If everyone who receives the update during the night have locked up STBs in the morning, I'll be thinking that I dodged the bullet. lol

JimP, I think I may have dodged the bullet, too. I have two boxes...the bedroom box (ancient, SD, and only 20") is targeted tonight, and if it is dead in the morning, my family room HDTV box (not targeted) is still showing the WOW factor to me! That's not usually how my luck runs, though! :D

Ilya said:
Yes, it looks like they are shifting to a new version numbering scheme. Nep. 6.00 is also referred to as Software Version 1.04. The version being pushed is expected to be slightly newer: 1.10.

Ilya, looks like a double dodge for me...may be getting one of those boxes loaded with the Nep. 6.00, V1,04 this week, so might have two versions to compare. :D :D ...or is that :confused: or :river????

I delayed my antenna upgrade because they wanted to install a "DB8" that I haven't heard anything about (I'm posting inquiries in another thread), but after talking to my installer today and telling him my boxes have both been weird since Thursday, he plans to have some of the new boxes available for me when we reschedule after I get some input about the antenna...probably for Friday!!

I finally got brave and did a soft reboot on the family room box today after my Good Guy Installer said he would have new boxes on hand for me when he comes next time, in case it's not the antenna. The family room box now has high SNR numbers. Boy was I scared to do that...but fortunately it is still making me feel WOW!! So right again, Ilya!! Thanks again for all your help! :D :bow :bow :bow :love

Incidentally, my installer affirmed to me that VOOM is truly trying to get this right. He said his boss (from Crave Electronics) was flown back east...I forget exactly where...for a big meeting last week, and that VOOM is sincerely trying to pinpoint and correct the installation issues, and that they are receiving boxes now loaded with the new (Nep. 6.00, V1,04) software! This installer, was never negative previously (he's very professional, but was honestly critical of some things about VOOM's failures in the installation areas). Today his comments and tone of voice reflected extremely positively!! Good news everywhere!! :D :D

I received the download !!

I received the download at 2:00am box was off. it. The only difference i have seen is the OTA scanning and other install helpful guides, man this software would have been nice when i was on the roof in the Im not able to add the new OTA ABC news channel yet, ABC stops broadcating overnight, its the only channel not mapped to me in my area. ill post update in am. :D
Technut said:
I received the download at 2:00am box was off. it. The only difference i have seen is the OTA scanning and other install helpful guides, man this software would have been nice when i was on the roof in the Im not able to add the new OTA ABC news channel yet, ABC stops broadcating overnight, its the only channel not mapped to me in my area. ill post update in am. :D

Technut, I've had 13.1 and 13.2 which were mapped since I was installed on 6/1, but in the first day or two I got the weather map on 13.2, then it disappeard (no signal message), but earlier today I got that new ABC channel on 13.2 with PG info still saying Weather Channel, so keep the faith!

Tomorrow is a new day!!! Just a few more minutes to see my download on one box! :D

I have new software version 6.1 i think - scanning now! transparent guide!!! more later got to go to work
STB was powered up and running 6.10 this morning in the 540 area code. The scanning feature worked as advertised. I picked up two multicast stations. Channels seem to change a little quicker. Didn't notice any sparklies. Wish I had more time to play, but it's off to work...
I've got something!

Download took about 36 minutes. TV had been on, sound muted, and at 35 minutes I came back to office (other end of the house) to check Ilya's message about how long it would take and what to do after it completed. When I heard the sound come on the TV, ran back in to check. Picture looks about the same and haven't touched anthing yet. More later...gotta go play for a few minutes...but hopefully will also get some sleep! Download was really exciting! :rolleyes:

Vicki :)
Getting New Software Now

My voom box had two orange lights lit up next to greeen satellite on / off button. The Tv display has 7 lines of text and numbers in black and white the last line keeps counting up numbers . It says 222 0 1418 and the next four lines of code keep counting up.
New software

The voom powered off and came back on . Huge Voom Logo and they program guide came on. New feature Channel list when hit huge Voom button . Channel lists puts channels in groups of ten and allows you to show them and hide them. that is kind of neat
New Software Version

It says Software Version 1.10, Hal version 6.10 . Middleware version 1.38. guide version 1.98.08. I immediately noticed channel changes are more fluid significantly less stutter when changing channeles, no audio dropouts on DVI and signifcantly higher over the air antenna signal quality. Before i was getting a 32 over the air signal now it is close to 80. Picture quality is a little better not much still mosquito noise on Equator HD on rooftops and picture still little grainy that is a little disappointing i thought new software would improve picture
Installation Menu had New Menus for Scannin OTA

Under Installation Menu are numerous Sub menus, one for setting screen resolution and output (dvi etc) other menus allow you to aim dish and over the air antennea. Next menu allows you to scan OTA, has a scanning bar with green led that moves to left while it scans over the air channels . It then lists over the air channels with their strenghts next to it with RF numbers for channels to right. Mine scanned i got 13 channels. What is cool allows you to reaim antenna then rescan, can rescan as many times as want after aiming .
Mine has the Satellite in Green plus an orange : in th emiddle of the Display.

However when I turn my TV on all's that I see is a pink screen.

What should I do?
Scott wait for download to Stop

I would wait for it to stop downloading, then you may have to reset the box. I wouldn't touch any buttons while downloading. My box was set for DVI 1081 maybe you will need to reset the resolution once downloading has stopped.

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