Looks like I've dodged the bullet in either case...
JimP said:
Mine still shows "not available" for targeted software.
I guess that's a bummer. If everyone who receives the update during the night have locked up STBs in the morning, I'll be thinking that I dodged the bullet. lol
JimP, I think I may have dodged the bullet, too. I have two boxes...the bedroom box (ancient, SD, and only 20") is targeted tonight, and if it is dead in the morning, my family room HDTV box (not targeted) is still showing the WOW factor to me! That's not usually how my luck runs, though!
Ilya said:
Yes, it looks like they are shifting to a new version numbering scheme. Nep. 6.00 is also referred to as Software Version 1.04. The version being pushed is expected to be slightly newer: 1.10.
Ilya, looks like a
double dodge for me...may be getting one of those boxes loaded with the Nep. 6.00, V1,04 this week, so might have two versions to compare.

...or is that

or :river????
I delayed my antenna upgrade because they wanted to install a "DB8" that I haven't heard anything about (I'm posting inquiries in another thread), but after talking to my installer today and telling him my boxes have both been weird since Thursday, he plans to have some of the new boxes available for me when we reschedule after I get some input about the antenna...probably for Friday!!
I finally got brave and did a soft reboot on the family room box today after my Good Guy Installer said he would have new boxes on hand for me when he comes next time, in case it's not the antenna. The family room box now has high SNR numbers. Boy was I scared to do that...but fortunately it is still making me feel WOW!! So
right again, Ilya!! Thanks again for all your help!
Incidentally, my installer affirmed to me that VOOM is
truly trying to get this right. He said his boss (from Crave Electronics) was flown back east...I forget exactly where...for a big meeting last week, and that VOOM is sincerely trying to pinpoint and correct the installation issues, and that they are receiving boxes now loaded with the new (Nep. 6.00, V1,04) software! This installer, was never negative previously (he's very professional, but was
honestly critical of some things about VOOM's failures in the installation areas). Today his comments and tone of voice reflected extremely positively!! Good news everywhere!!