Stuart-B said:In my experience, giving something away and then charging for it creates massive customer dissatisfaction - better to charge from day one, I think
Stuart-B said:especially for what everyone expects to be a chargeable channel.
KDRE said:The truth is noone cares to pay the extra money for SD channels that are standard on everyone else's packages. Sorry but that was a mistake.
vurbano said:Geez all they have to do to create a middle tier is to add a deduct option for dropping groups of Voom exclusives. This would create tiers and allow me a few extra bucks in my pocket for dropping Moov and Divine.
Nayl said:I took the 2 months free offer of VaVaVoom today I was not a charter member though so I really had nothing to lose but I think they will be pulling that discount rate they gave charter members pretty soon tbh.They need the revenue and it was nice of them to have kept it for as long as they have.
Yeah, a bunch of channels come with the Starz Plus Pack. Which is fine (although rather expensive at $20/month IMO) if the channel you're hankering for is STARZ. If for some reason you want, say DIY -- you can only get it by ordering all the Plus Packs, aka VaVaVoom. Makes no sense. Gotta believe it's only temporary.piperut said:For those of you that want a middle tier package - you could order the Voom package and add a plus pack for $20 like the Starz plus pack. I think the Starz Plus pack includes some other channels besides Starz. Not really sure.
Don Landis said:Is there anything I missed?
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