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Create and World | SatelliteGuys.US

Create and World


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 26, 2010
I noticed the other day that PBS subchannels Create and World are now broadcasting in 16:9 SD. This is how all SD should be broadcast. Now, MeTV is the only OTA channel that is 4:3 in my market. CW, Mhz Worldview, Movies!, Create, and both PBS World Channel affiliates I receive are 16:9. (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, PBSx2, PBS+, CBC and sometimes SRC, TVA, and CTV of course are 16:9 and HD) No more borders, well, except on 4:3 sets and 4:3 programming on the 16:9 channels, like on World in the pic.


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Sounds like your area is way ahead of the San Francisco Bay Area. We've still got several sub-channels being transmitted in 4:3 here. There are a few channels that should be 16:9, but they're not, so you have to use the stretch feature to make the people look the right size. They're all very skinny as received. Then there are those that should be 4:3 that are transmitted in 16:9, so everyone looks really fat. I've been surprised at how many stations don't transmit the signal in the proper aspect ratio.
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Me broadcasts content that was filmed in original 4:3 format. And some of us have equipment that is suited for that format as well as 16:9. If they changed their broadcast format it would require screwing with the programming's original format. It's not a good choice in my mind.
Agree with the sentiment that all programming should be broadcast in it's original format. So We, the viewers, don't have to use that button on the remote to see reality. Quit screwin with the aspect.
I hate it when some HD programming is 16:9 but there's only a 'strip' of video occupying only the center 1/3rd of the screen. Black bars top and bottom. Puts the PID after Stu.
I noticed the change on OETA Create the other day, instead of everything picture framed with black bars on 4 sides, everything was 4x3 and people had the tall skinny look, switched to full screen mode and everything is as it should. I been asking for this change for a while. I tend to watch a lot of Create. Now if Ion Life would do the same and if I could get Cox to show GRIT properly, things would be pretty good around here for OTA.

(other than the constant interruptions by the weather monkeys. Been 3 days since we've had any primetime programming, the weather monkeys have preempted everything since Thursday to show us the pretty red and green maps over and over) but that's a different rant
Me broadcasts content that was filmed in original 4:3 format. And some of us have equipment that is suited for that format as well as 16:9. If they changed their broadcast format it would require screwing with the programming's original format. It's not a good choice in my mind.

It should be broadcast 16:9 with pillars on the sides so it's displayed properly on a modern set. The station can add 16:9 commercials that would fill the screen. I have seen this done and it's perfect. Movies! is usually that way I think.
This explains why WFYI reformatted its subchannels to be 16:9 recently without explanation. I can only assume that V-Me will soon go 16:9 as well? (WFYI-2 is a full time V-Me affiliate, WFYI-3 shows Create 12+ hours/day)

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