Amazon has added "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax"
I'll be getting this for sure!Titanic 3d and 2d up for preorder on Amazon. Yes the James Cameron 1997 movie and his just released 3d version.
Titanic 3D is the History channel version and not James Cameron version with the 2D available in Sept. It clearly states this is the tv channel movie.
Men in Black 3 is up for pre-order on amazon. Men in Black 3 (Three Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D / Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy): Movies & TV
I'll go see it and buy it ... anymore I avoid the threads at AVS as they are more thread c*** than information.Seriously. MIB 3 not out and Avengers only out 3 weeks. Of course it is Rockin' the box office. I hope MIB 3 does well. I might go see it. I have a free pass.
Limited time offer