Personally I think its wonderful how interested these DISH subs are in DirecTV. I could give a rats a.. About competitors ads.
Yea she said "Directv HD is broadcast in 1080i,I don't know what that is but I want it" To be exact NO she didn't say ALL,but she didn't say some either.Trust me I stand for Directv.but thats what I remember. Here's proof.Which one stated that all D* channels were in 1080i ????
The Jessica Simpson one did not do that, if thats the one your thinking about...
She never said ALL were in 1080i
Yea she said "Directv HD is broadcast in 1080i,I don't know what that is but I want it" To be exact NO she didn't say ALL,but she didn't say some either.Trust me I stand for Directv.but thats what I remember. Here's proof.
Personally I think its wonderful how interested these DISH subs are in DirecTV. I could give a rats a.. About competitors ads.
Many E* subs like me keep an eye on Directv becuase like me they don't care what provider they are with (yes some are trolls but there are also some D* trolls). I was a D* sub for over 10 years prior to switching to E* last year. If D* comes back with more of an HD offering I will be all over it if E* does not respond. I still have all my old D* equipment so it will not be to hard to set it back up.
No contract with DISH ???
Thats a plus ...
D* does broadcast all hd in 1080i, if they don't receive 1080i from the network it is not viewed that way, Have you ever watched an old western on HDNM, do you think they had HD in 1965?? the broadcast can only be as good as the feed that D* gets from the networks. Remember Tv is luxury, If you don't like it read a book.
And as for the sports blackouts, contact the FCC. D* does not make the decison on which channels you can watch where you live, that is up to the FCC.
Not true. D* does not broadcast all HD in 1080i. ESPN and others are only 720P and that is what D* sends them as.
And as for the sports blackouts, contact the FCC. D* does not make the decison on which channels you can watch where you live, that is up to the FCC.
here is the link for the FCC blackout rules
I haven't seen any blatant "false adversing" from D*. They're pretty careful to put in the disclaimers like "up to 150", "soon", and "agreements in principle". E* and cable do the same thing. You have to pay attention to what is really being said in all advertising.
You're welcome. It's misleading advertising, not false advertising.Exactly because if they didnt use those phrases and words such as, up to, in principle and soon in thier advertisements would be misleading.
Thank you for proving my point.
If a consumer chooses to ignore those words and come up with their own interpretation then its the consumers fault.
It says it word for word under her picture.You posted a video that is no longer available.
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