I've just watched through episode 5 of season 2. For me, the superhero-themed shows on Netflix (Daredevil and Jessica Jones) are in a completely different league from their network TV counterparts. The only show that even comes close is Gotham.
I find my willing suspension of disbelief is often on double, and sometimes triple, duty when it comes to shows like Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and at times SHIELD. With those shows, in addition to overlooking the physics-defying comic-book elements, I'm also having to overlook plot holes, inconsistencies in the rules the shows establish for their respective superhero universe, way-too convenient coincidences, way-too clever dialogue, and the usual network over-edits that create distracting WTF? moments. The network shows are not without their entertainment value, or I wouldn't keep watching. I still enjoy the light-weight distraction they contribute to my weekly TV viewing habits. But I don't look forward to them in the same way as I do the Netflix shows anymore.