Not yet....... Im waiting untill after im installed with D* and that will be within the week...
Not yet....... Im waiting untill after im installed with D* and that will be within the week...
You said the upfront costs were a NO for you. So are you taking it in the A** just to upset (not) Charlie??? Whatever, logic will always be in the shadows with you.
i'm happy for all of you who have switched to directtv!!! Having said that, this is the DISH NETWORK FORUM, soooo... please have a little dignity left and GO AWAY! you make me sick with all your whining, and we all know you switched because you finally realized everyone here is annoyed by your presence. I doubt your presence will be welcome in the D* forum for long if you complain in the manner their as you have here. good riddance.
Often Been Tried, Never denied, and being ready to be tried again.
So Goodbye!
So Bob, as I see it, there are 3 primary issues:
1. HD RSNs
2. Local HD LiL
3. Disney dispute
Thing is, you knew 2 out of the 3 the day you signed up. Seems you you wanted to save few bucks, and expected a multi-million dollar company to conform to your personal desires.
You asked Charlie point blank on live TV, and he gave you an answer, 1 year, but you didn't even last 3 months.
I for one am glad Charlie isn't bending over to the sports networks. For a lot of us, we are saving way more than $2 a month with dish.
Or heck, maybe we will see Charlie launch CSN Chicago tomorrow just out of spite. Either way, I'm glad I won't be seeing any more posts complaining about HD RSNs from you
Only dish is looking like the ass since it seems more folks who put up with E* for so long now moved or are moving to D*
Pay Tv is Gay, I quit a long time ago with a server, XBMC, OTA and Netflix. Why pay to watch commercials?
Pay Tv is Gay, I quit a long time ago with a server, XBMC, OTA and Netflix. Why pay to watch commercials?
What are those, that's why we have DVR's to skip them. So your not much better off than we are. I don't have netflix but I do get some things that I download to my 1 Tb secondary HDD on my Win 7 pro PC. So how much are you paying for Netflix & XBMC? I believe that both of those are not free services. OK I looked into XBMC and you can be a leech and not pay for it. Thing is if everyone does that it will not stay around.
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