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Deep Frying a turkey... | SatelliteGuys.US

Deep Frying a turkey...


SatelliteGuys Master
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Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
Ok i got the deep fryer, a 13 lb bird... 3lbs of fresh peanut oil. Now I have a few options....

to inject the turkey (wich means I need to go out and get an injector) '
or to

let it soak in a brine.

whats the pro's and cons and wich is better? BTW the turkey is unthawing now and should be ready to go for christmas
Yum! Fried turkey is really amazing. My sister and brother in law are responsible for frying a turkey for the family this Christmas. I think either way you go it will come out great. Just make sure it is fully thawed we don't need a Christmas house fire.
Yum! Fried turkey is really amazing. My sister and brother in law are responsible for frying a turkey for the family this Christmas. I think either way you go it will come out great. Just make sure it is fully thawed we don't need a Christmas house fire.

Yea I know im cooking outside.. in the grass... It will be a good deal away from anything that can catch on fire..
in the grass or in the snow??? :D Make sure to measure how high the "oil level" will be with water before you fill it, otherwise it can overflow. I saw Alton Brown do this with water. He put the turkey in, and filled the water to the level he wanted, removed the turkey, and marked the level of water left.
As previously stated either will work. If you inject get a solution that is not overly laden with strong spices, otherwise it will overpower the taste. Just do not OVERCOOK it.
in the grass or in the snow??? :D Make sure to measure how high the "oil level" will be with water before you fill it, otherwise it can overflow. I saw Alton Brown do this with water. He put the turkey in, and filled the water to the level he wanted, removed the turkey, and marked the level of water left.

The grass is there.. just hidden and dormate. :) By the time im dont there wont be snow left :D Ya I have allready done this.
No need for the turkey derrick, but here is all the info. I prefer a brine bird over injecting for deep frying. Most all of the local professional shops that fry them around here do the same thing.

[ame=]YouTube - Alton Brown Fried Turkey 1/3[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Alton Brown Fried Turkey 2/3[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Alton Brown Fried Turkey 3/3[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Southern-Style Fried Turkey-Food Network[/ame]

Here is another depending on your tastes:
Hey question, If i dont have enough peanut oil, I have 3 gallons, but if the need arises that i would need more, would vegtable oil be a good subsitue to add in with the peanut oil? I just dont want to have to go out and get a huge case if I dont have enough.
You can mix / combine the peanut and veg oils; it will not harm anything or alter the taste. On a side note; if you happen to have a smoker and its going too; when I fry my turkey; after the brine I set it in the smoker with some cherry and pecan smoke for a while before frying.
Make sure to measure how high the "oil level" will be with water before you fill it, otherwise it can overflow. I saw Alton Brown do this with water. He put the turkey in, and filled the water to the level he wanted, removed the turkey, and marked the level of water left.
Remember that the same amount (lbs) of turkey will displace more cooking oil than water, so when you mark the water level, realize that if you fill to the same mark with cooking oil, it may still over-fill. I'd fill it a bit below that water-level line.
Here is a cool video that also shows what happens when you put a frozen turkey into oil. This one uses water but it is really cool with the use of slow motion and the explanation.

[ame=]YouTube - Time Warp Grease Fires on Discovery Channel[/ame]

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