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Demanded a 1000.4 dish instead of a 1000.2... Was I just being mean? | SatelliteGuys.US

Demanded a 1000.4 dish instead of a 1000.2... Was I just being mean?


Original poster
Aug 23, 2007
So, I just got DN and a VIP922. The work order said I was to get a 1000.4 dish, but the tech installed a 1000.2. I live in Southern Louisiana. I got tech support on chat and convinced them to send me out the correct dish, even tho they told me there was no difference between the western arc and the eastern arc. I didn't believe them, and said they were attempting to alter the material terms of our contract by installing the wrong equipment without my consent.

Now, tomorrow comes a tech with a 1000.4 replacement dish. Now I am wondering if I did the correct thing, of if I was just being difficult..... Is there any MPEG quality difference between the eastern and the western arcs? Programming? Signal strength?
Could have been a line of sight issue with th 1k4 dish, although if there was you as the customer should have been told about it before it was subbed with a 1k2. See what the other tech says when he gets there. I don't think you did anything wrong at all. It was supposed to be a 1k4 and you should have gotten one.
I have a much clearer view of the southeastern sky - no trees. To aim the 1000.2, he had to aim through large oak trees. I bet my signal strength will be better tomorrow. I read that back on 2008 the western arc birds weren't all broadcasting MPEG4 yet, but that might have changed by now.
All work orders call for a 1000.4. But usually it calls for a 1000.4 WA(western arc). Those are not yet available and is why you got a 1000.2. The tech that is coming out will NOT change your dish out.
Now, tomorrow comes a tech with a 1000.4 replacement dish. Now I am wondering if I did the correct thing, of if I was just being difficult.....
Until the 1000.4WA becomes available, the 1000.2 is the appropriate dish for most of Louisiana. You were being diligent, but you won't know until tomorrow if you screwed yourself out of HD LIL.
I read that back on 2008 the western arc birds weren't all broadcasting MPEG4 yet, but that might have changed by now.
For HD, it doesn't really matter which arc you're seeing. If there is a difference either way, it would be with SD programming. MPEG2 versus MPEG4 is not a deciding factor in PQ.
What local market are you in?

The only local markets on Eastern Arc (that is locals are on 61.5, 72 or 77) are Monroe and Lake Charles
All other markets (Alexandria, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette) the HD locals are on western arc (110,119,129)

and while the HD on WA is MEPG4 the SD is still MPEG2
Your 1k4 is also going to come with a longer mast and a nice pair of struts. How is it mounted right now? 1k4 is only able to use 1/3 of th mounts available. For your sake at least, I sure hope you were right
I didn't believe them, and said they were attempting to alter the material terms of our contract by installing the wrong equipment without my consent.
huh? That makes no sense. You get a whether or not its an EA or WA dish depends on what Dish tells the techs to install or if you are in a dual market (like Minneapolis is where locals are on both) and have line of site issues on one arc. Again my post above makes light of the locals and what sat they are on.
Your signal is better on the 1K2. Our area (SE) is having major issues with the 1K4. And you won't need struts, there is a short mast available, but regardless if the tech doesnt have LOS from the existing location, then bet on more holes. I install Western Arc as often as possible.
I wouldn't worry about the Dish that was installed, I'd worry about the junky 922 you had installed.
Wow, thanks all for the great info.... now I'm even more curious.

I am in baton rouge, but all the local channels here can be pulled in OTA with minimal effort. if I do get on the Eastern sats, maybe they'll port me Monroe or Lake Chuck local news (?) Wouldn't mind that one bit.

It's also interesting to note that the work orders always say 1000.4; if that's the case, I wonder why the tech didn't mention it. And, looking at the photo I took of the work order, it does state "LNBF 1000.4 WA" (Western Arc - obvious, in hindsight.). Seems by the designation of WA to the LNB (and not the dish), they use different LNB's for eastern/western. Though this may seem second nature to some, it's all new to me! :)

Hmmm. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow. Maybe the techs have some of the new 1000.4 dishes and WA LNB's to play with down here. Maybe they'll send a tech from Lake Chuck or Monroe with EA equipment, and he will leave my existing setup there, and I could then choose which birds I want (?) This is kinda fun.
unless you "move" you only get what locals you qualify for at your address. Since you are in BR you just shot yourself in the foot and if they swap the dish to a EA dish you'll lose ALL your locals.
Oh, I guess I should also mention that the view for the EA is much clearer here than the aim for the WA. My current signal strengths seem to bounce between 40 and 56 on a clear night.

The current dish is roof mounted with simple lag bolts. This also seems an ideal position for a potential EA facing dish (or, right next to it). As far as worrying about the 922, it's been performing well so far.... Slinging and all.
unless you "move" you only get what locals you qualify for at your address. Since you are in BR you just shot yourself in the foot and if they swap the dish to a EA dish you'll lose ALL your locals.

Okay. If it's not to challenging to "move", that wouldn't be a problem from my POV.
Your signal is better on the 1K2. Our area (SE) is having major issues with the 1K4. And you won't need struts, there is a short mast available, but regardless if the tech doesnt have LOS from the existing location, then bet on more holes. I install Western Arc as often as possible.
I wouldn't worry about the Dish that was installed, I'd worry about the junky 922 you had installed.

Good call. I didn't know you guys were using the short mast already out there. We aren't using it or the 1k4 WA until next year.
you'll be demanding your 1000.2 back after you deal with the poor signal strengths coming from the 1000.4 eastern arc :eek:

I have a 1000.4 and I have no issues with poor signal strength. I can't use a 1000.2 because of LOS issues especially for 129. Definitely in the SE.
I live in the SE and I can get my HD locals on either arc, though I lose my SD locals on EA. Anyway, I'd much prefer a 1k.2 over the 1k.4 EA any day of the week. 110/119/129 are 77/84/59 signal strengths respectively. I've had lots of rain recently and not one single outage.

There's simply no reason to prefer EA over WA unless locals aren't on WA, or you have better LOS on EA, but your locals are also on EA. In your case, you'll have no locals on EA. What TP's are you checking your signal on anyway?

For 110/119 use 14 15 16 & 21 and for 129 use 17 18 & 21. What are your numbers? My numbers are coming from TP 16 on 110/119 and TP 17 on 129.

Luckily you're within your 60-day period, but if your signal strength numbers are OK on the 1k.2 then you are simply wasting DISH Network's time and there's no guarantee they'll swap out the dish.

In the SE 129 has a better signal strength than 61.5, 119 better strength than 72.7, 110 better than 77.
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