Thanks for just getting the tech who installed your system a charge back.
Its clueless customers like you who ruin it for techs, he knows how to do his job. Let him do it.
And, looking at the photo I took of the work order, it does state "LNBF 1000.4 WA" (Western Arc - obvious, in hindsight.).
Not only is it pretty much the same thing, it is the only dish available on WA for hd. So the fact that he wants what the WO calls for is like me asking for a 2015 Camaro, I'm sure it's already been designed but not yet availThe OP noted later that the order says 1000.4 WA which isnt available yet
so they installed a 1000.2...pretty much the same thing
That's a little harsh, IMO. The OP could have been a little more informed by the tech as to why he installed a 1k.2, when the work order called for a 1k.4.
Dgenx321 said:Thanks for just getting the tech who installed your system a charge back.
Its clueless customers like you who ruin it for techs, he knows how to do his job. Let him do it.
I see OP never did even post what their signal strength is, all the while saying that DISH Network should replace his dish with the new dish when they come out... Good luck getting them to do that without charging...
That's a little harsh, IMO. The OP could have been a little more informed by the tech as to why he installed a 1k.2, when the work order called for a 1k.4.
ALL the work orders (both Eastern Arc and Western Arc) call for the 1000.4 now. None the less, on Western Arc installs, Dish still wants the 1000.2 dish put up until depleted. The tech did it the way Dish has dictated it be done.
Well, they should. All my work orders for the last two weeks though have called for ViP receivers and 500 dishes. Obviously somebody messed up the system somewhere
Unfortunately he'll get it. After they tell him they charge, he'll raise hell about it, get it to shoot up a couple levels until he finds someone to build the work order. Dish always caves to jerks like this, I see it every day in work order notes. Thing is, the tech will have YET ANOTHER TC since that's the way the system works now... I feel for the tech, and yes OP, you cost this guy food of his table for your ignorance - tip him good for YOUR screw up. You threw him under the bus with his superiors and for what? I'll tell ya what, not knowing what the hell your talking about.
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