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Denver networks

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Dont know what the average sub is. Really dont care honestly. My bill use to be $50 before I cancelled.

But all I did was contradicts Asket's comment of "Moto doesnt care about consumer market" when in fact they are in the consumer market :)

Not directly they're not, through big players, like Shaw, sure (LOL!) but not directly to the end user. Nobody specifically runs 4DTV/BigDish/W5 for end users, it's not Comcast's business either, we're just piggybacking.
Well we will find out soon the fate of discovery channels and what shall become the future of 4d and the big dish. Technically the big dish could get every channel out there with the right equipment and the pizza boys have done every thing to kill big dish. Pizza wants to be the only sub based satellite provider for consumers. It is such a shame it couldn't have been different for one of the coolest, fun,tv platform I've ever had.I have always wanted big dish since the 80's when my uncle had his setup back in the analog days.where is doc brown and his time machine lol

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If pizza took away contracts, overpricing, over compression, did away with rain fade, and offered more consumer choice with programming (ala carte etc) they may not be so EVIL. The thing though it all about maximizing their profits and care less about the one keeping them alive. They have really brainwashed the consumer to believe in their way of doing things.

I'm sure Skyvision & SRL know what's at stake with Discovery. Last I heard they have to find a place on HITS X4 to put the 3 core channels. If all works out it will be the first real milestone of channels added in a while.

It's a shame GI sold to Motorola. I think if GI was still running the show it would be different today. GI was C band friendly. Motorola inherited the C band division along with the cable set top division which they really wanted. They ran C band into the ground since it's a pain if nothing else to them. Why don't Motorola sell off the C band division to someone else that wants to make a go of it. It would make more sense. Unless there is dirty hush money under the table from pizza to kill it off asap. (I bet dirty $$$$$$ have been passed in the past to get us to where we are today with certain key parties including programmers, HBO, Show etc)
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tvropro said:
It's a shame GI sold to Motorola. I think if GI was still running the show it would be different today. GI was C band friendly. Motorola inherited the C band division along with the cable set top division which they really wanted. They ran C band into the ground since it's a pain if nothing else to them. Why don't Motorola sell off the C band division to someone else that wants to make a go of it. It would make more sense. Unless there is dirty hush money under the table from pizza to kill it off asap. (I bet dirty $$$$$$ have been passed in the past to get us to where we are today with certain key parties including programmers, HBO, Show etc)

You summed it up right there. C band always offered choice and hbo, show, tuner etc wanted no part of that. They want people to have to buy all their channels or get none. Where can you just get TNT or just USA network. I'm sure the providers don't want moto to sell it. I'm sure dish and directv have some back room deals in place to keep c band where it's at. It's sad but hopefully 4d map master is coming alone so we can the least watch in itc stuff when the subs are gone.I buy the get it all pak just to support cband.I'm sure I'm not gonna change them world but just trying to tell them some people still love the bud

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Map Master is progressing well and will allow us continued use of our IRD's even after MR's or bricked mode and maybe more. At least I had the insite to start looking into this last year and assemble a good team. I know it's easier to sit on the sidelines and let things fall apart, but thats not what C band is based on.. It's based on inventive minds that have the guts to make things happen. I'm just following in the footsteps of our c band forefathers. If I didn't have such a love for the big dish I never would have pushed for trying to get HITS to work with the 4D, put time and effort into conversions and now Map Master. Every time we sign up another sub we help stop the demise that pizza so wants.
It's a shame GI sold to Motorola. I think if GI was still running the show it would be different today. GI was C band friendly. Motorola inherited the C band division along with the cable set top division which they really wanted. They ran C band into the ground since it's a pain if nothing else to them. Why don't Motorola sell off the C band division to someone else that wants to make a go of it.

Motorola might not be able to get the bucks they want. Of course, the conspiracy theory is that the pizza dish people are using their big bucks to keep the SAC (?) from being sold.
Motorola might not be able to get the bucks they want. Of course, the conspiracy theory is that the pizza dish people are using their big bucks to keep the SAC (?) from being sold.

After reading this thread I now have a different outlook on guys who come up with boxes and firmware to watch television free. I can see why people would get very angry due to the actions of certain people who only care about themselves (Dick$Direct).:mad:

I also give my support to Cband with the Get-it-all-pack from Skyvision and I know it may not be the best thing to say in this thread, but I hope the Map Masters group think ahead just in case Cband actually goes south and they end up with firmware that we can piss-off Motorola with and see whatever is available if we are left with no support and no options for subscription....I just went to kick something but I do not have I kick my shoes in a corner:mad:.

I hope the Map Masters group think ahead just in case Cband actually goes south and they end up with firmware that we can piss-off Motorola with and see whatever is available if we are left with no support and no options for subscription....


We don't want to piss off Motorola as to say. We just want control of our receivers the same way a DVB box is. Motorola could care less as far as any support beyond that which makes them money. They want our receivers bricks because it protects the private DC2 network that may be ITC always or sometimes from prying eyes. The whole c band hobby revolves around watching things mainstream can't. Map Master will provide that. Our replacement maps that will be included in MM will be updated with channels that have changed parameters since last year. Updated generics may also be included or do away with them for the most part and map everything in that is up there.

Lots of idea's are on the table but so are obstacles that must be overcome that we are working on. We have limited manpower and resources which has slowed things down. If we had more financial backing it would allow us to dig deeper and go further faster. Some tools we need like a spectrum analyzer that records the data would be the bomb but so far we can't even find someone who has one that can do some captures for us. I hate to say it but money makes things happen just like with SRL & Skyvision. We all are lacking in what we really need. I'll close with this thought we have some dedicated people and are working with what we have to get what we can done.

If there is anyone that can donate for or send us a USBBDM NT cable for the group contact me here. 4DTV Online... Contact Us
We don't want to piss off Motorola as to say. We just want control of our receivers the same way a DVB box is. Motorola could care less as far as any support beyond that which makes them money. They want our receivers bricks because it protects the private DC2 network that may be ITC always or sometimes from prying eyes. The whole c band hobby revolves around watching things mainstream can't. Map Master will provide that. Our replacement maps that will be included in MM will be updated with channels that have changed parameters since last year. Updated generics may also be included or do away with them for the most part and map everything in that is up there.

Lots of idea's are on the table but so are obstacles that must be overcome that we are working on. We have limited manpower and resources which has slowed things down. If we had more financial backing it would allow us to dig deeper and go further faster. Some tools we need like a spectrum analyzer that records the data would be the bomb but so far we can't even find someone who has one that can do some captures for us. I hate to say it but money makes things happen just like with SRL & Skyvision. We all are lacking in what we really need. I'll close with this thought we have some dedicated people and are working with what we have to get what we can done.

If there is anyone that can donate for or send us a USBBDM NT cable for the group contact me here. 4DTV Online... Contact Us

I just need to blow off some steam earlier, I really was getting very angry. Sometimes too many people spoil the process so although the group is small the progress maybe better as they will be less distraction.

A wiser head bring things into perspective.


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