OK that's a bit screwed up. The game goes live at 2 pm EST and you still don't have a code. Also I'm pretty sure that all you download is a client that then will connect and download the actual game because according to the store listing when I downloaded remotely, it was only like 354 MB.Yeah, and I still haven't received my code even though I did preorder.
OK that's a bit screwed up. The game goes live at 2 pm EST and you still don't have a code. Also I'm pretty sure that all you download is a client that then will connect and download the actual game because according to the store listing when I downloaded remotely, it was only like 354 MB.
If you are desperate for a code and don't mind jumping through some hoops you can apparently get one for free by doing this:
How to Get Into the 'Destiny 2' Beta Without a Code or Pre-Order
king3pj and I tried out Destiny 2 last night. The first 45 minutes or so is me playing through the opening campaign section (badly) while the second part is the two of us playing through a strike (again, badly.)
Polygon posted an interesting opinion piece stating that you should buy Destiny 2 on the PS4 and not PC.
You should buy Destiny 2 on the PS4
Click-baity headline aside, the author does go into some good points about why the experience on PC may not be as great as we're all expecting it to be. It's a bit of a long read but it definitely made me go from considering a pre-order after console release reviews to now waiting until PC reviews come out. And it's NOT just console fanboyism talking or basic "Bungie games are better on consoles" arguments, but it is stuff from a guy who actually knows about the Destiny experience.
All I know is that I can't go back to 30 FPS for Destiny. If it turns out that the overall experience outside of FPS/Graphics is tangibly inferior on PC versus consoles then I'm just going to skip Destiny 2. It's not like I'm short on games at the moment, and if I want to invest in another time sink I'd likely be better off FINALLY firing up my GOTY edition of The Witcher 3.
Destiny 2 PC specs have been revealed. Honestly, they're laughable, in that they're laughably low. Storage wasn't set yet but the recommended specs are almost below what my old machine is. Hell, they're recommended processor is an i5 2400, which is slower than the i5 2500k, which I have, and is also over 6 and a half years old.
Destiny 2 PC specs, graphics options, Battle.net accounts and everything else we know
I'm not complaining. I'd love to see a well developed/optimized version of Destiny 2. The Beta ran GREAT on my machine, and I can't wait to see how they're going to improve things based on all the user feedback.
Destiny 2 topped the Japanese sales charts, but given how many units were sold it wasn't that great of an accomplishment, not to mention it sold LESS than the original did on its opening week.
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