Yep they could mirror them but then folks still on MPEG2 would still be stuck with HD-Lite.
Unfortunately, without new channels added to the mix, HD-Lite will be good enough for a lot of folks in NYC and LA.
Yep they could mirror them but then folks still on MPEG2 would still be stuck with HD-Lite.
charper1 said:MPEG4 may not inherently increase the PQ but what it does is to allow more bandwidth and the bit rates to be pumped up resulting in better PQ, which is what will happen.
Also, are you saying that the reports of Detroit HD LIL up and running are false?
charper1 said:What about it Scott? Do your reports confirm or deny the existence of true DET HD LIL?
br16 said:Well, surprise surprise. I just received a call from the 3rd party company that was scheduled to do the install tomorrow cancelling because they are out of the new 5 lnb dishes.
They claim they will be receiving a "truckload" of them on Tuesday, so I rescheduled for a week from tomorrow. I had a feeling it was too good to be true.
Proc said:I got a call tonight from Michigan Microtech saying they don't have the 5-LNB dish in. I have been rescheduled for Wednesday morning.
br16 said:Well Proc, I guess I'm not the only one. I called Directv to see if they used any other installers in SE MI, but Michigan Microtech is the only one.
Let us know if you get postponed again.
I think there are a number of other customers out there that feel the same way.
lurch said:you guys dont understand how hard this thing is to put together,let alone dial it in!!D* wants all of there equipment installed correctly the first time,that way it cuts down on frustrated customers and service calls.You know how many self installs i,ve had to bring up to par?Alot,that were mounted in front of trees and such.And you will need a bigger mast for the new dish also,about 2" diameter.
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