Nope, you didn't miss it
Doug...just haven't posted it yet. The short answer is...
Have had too many fires erupting and re-erupting to remain active on the forum for the past week or so, and have tried to post snippets of updates, as I deemed appropriate. But here's the Cliff Notes version--
NOT!-- (but you know it's
my best imitation) of where I am now…
I had dropped the ball on 3/7 after Crave Electronics repeated allowing the same mistakes that were made last summer, which caused me to cancel in the first place.
On 3/3, after Crave being unable or unwilling
as of their closing time on 3/2 to allow me to talk with an actual installer about my 3/3 AM scheduled installation; then sending someone on 3/3 with no prior call, (who turned out to NOT have all the equipment)…
I refused to let the installer do a partial install

...and called David at Installs, Inc., based on some advice from
David re-scheduled me with a new install company for 3/7. He said they would have the equipment needed and gave me the company phone number. The dispatcher at the new company said she had the order for 3/7 but upgrade info was not there, but she was assigning me her best tech. Asked for and received his name and #, since I explained I wanted to discuss my prior history with him so he would be sure to be well-prepared.
Left a message on the installer's # on 3/3 around Noon for the installer to call me. He didn't return my call until about 7PM on 3/8.
I was never formally notified by anyone that my 3/7 install was off.
On 3/8, when the installer finally returned my call about 7PM, I spent about half an hour on the phone with them, going over all aspects of my prior install, subsequent cancellation, and insistence that this be a "one-call" install this time. He sounds like he knows what he's doing, and wants to do the job right the first time. He said he did not currently have equipment VoOm had approved me for (last summer and again, prior to 3/3), and that his work order (as of 3/8) did not show the upgraded antenna situation. Said he would do some checking and call me back in the next day or two.
He never called back.
That's when I dropped the ball…due to other pressing commitments that have kept my head spinning for a few weeks…and also when I dropped out of active monitoring and posting on the forums.
After I started getting a few things in my real life more under control, I had scheduled myself to pick the ball back up and start screaming again on 3/11 AM.
At approximately 9AM on 3/11 (prior to my intended action), I got a call from someone who had intervened last summer,
John Wrucks, of Installs, Inc. He assured me that VoOm was shipping the upgraded equipment to the installer that I told him I had talked with (but who had failed to call me back). John rescheduled me for today (3/18 in the PM), saying the installer should have received the equipment in time for this date.
Never heard another word for anyone. Resumed fighting other fires, and scheduled myself to fight all fires from home this PM, in case an install was possible.
No calls, no shows until about 4:15 PM today. The installer I spoke with on 3/8 called and said he has in his possession a large Winegard antenna with pre-amp and a 24" dish for me. We agreed to have him install it on Tuesday (3/22). He said he would be here between 8AM and 9AM.
Hopefully by Tuesday, all my other fires will be extinguished, and I'll be able to post as soon as the install is done!
If things don't go well on Tuesday, my final attempt will be an email to Wilt at Yahoo. I just haven't wanted to involve him this time yet (although he has an EXCELLENT track record of resolution)...since he's probably been awfully busy fighting other fires of his and VoOm's own...for the past several weeks...since he is a VP in Engineering for VoOm.
(Based on just
my own personal and professional fires lately,) I'm thinking of changing my screen name to "Smokey Bear-ess"…Whaddya think?
Too many fires...too little time.

Wish me luck

, and I'll post as soon as I'm able. I'm back to other firelines as soon as I post this, and until Tuesday, probably, at the earliest.
Hope are a few good things are happening out there…and I hope the trolls have gone back to their caves for a few days! 