I have a Dish Pro Twin. only 1 receiver. I added a terk BDS-P1 to the line going in th attic down to the receiver I have the sat and antenna plugged in. I have another BDS-P1 that uncombines the signals. The sat works fine with the diplexor's. However as soon as I plug the antenna feed into my TV (testing antenna for my soon to arrive 811) the Sat Signal dies. Unplug it and it works? I dont have a amp or anything plugged in. In fact I dont have the antenna installed just a loose cable?
I have a Dish Pro Twin. only 1 receiver. I added a terk BDS-P1 to the line going in th attic down to the receiver I have the sat and antenna plugged in. I have another BDS-P1 that uncombines the signals. The sat works fine with the diplexor's. However as soon as I plug the antenna feed into my TV (testing antenna for my soon to arrive 811) the Sat Signal dies. Unplug it and it works? I dont have a amp or anything plugged in. In fact I dont have the antenna installed just a loose cable?