Should I be worried ? I pass all the tests B-Band on chanel 499 , 5 LNB Dish and get a great signals off 101 (TP-32 is even at 100%) but I still get 0's across the boarde on 103b.
Should I be worried ? I pass all the tests B-Band on chanel 499 , 5 LNB Dish and get a great signals off 101 (TP-32 is even at 100%) but I still get 0's across the boarde on 103b.
I had my new dish put in two weeks ago. I became a little skeptical when my installer said when asked a question I guess was a little to technical for him "this is my first week working by myself" Well, the numbers on the bird ran from 60 to 84.
Heh, same thing here except my installer had apparently been doing this for a VERY long time. He did a crappy job lining up my dish even at 101. Acted like he knew what the hell he was doing, but apparently didn't. I wasn't able to get a bunch of channels after he left. I called him to tell him and he said he would come back, but never showed. I finally got tired of waiting and did it myself. Gotten REALLY high SS since then. Even the 103(b) numbers are great.
I forget to mention when I went up the ladder and got a hold of the dish to give it a shake to see how sturdy the mount is, it moved. He didn't lock it down. But if he had of locked it down it was still a very poor job of alignment. The guy was soooooo slow that he should have had it prefect. I didn't think he was ever going to leave. I realize that he didn't have 103b up to check, but their was signal from 103a he could have used.
Is it weird that my signals on 103b transponders are in the low 30's?
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