FIOS HD? Some upgrade - 20 national HD channels.Let me let me upgrade ya! Verizon FIOS HD
FIOS HD? Some upgrade - 20 national HD channels.
I can't get FIOS here, guess I'm stuck with Directv's 59 National HD channels.
So how many markets does Verizon FIOS have locals in?local network channels are what most people watch most.
Where does FIOS HD excell then?There is more to an hd provider than just the number of channels
Per Verizon website:
NFL Network HDTV 828
HD Net 833
HD Net Movies 834
Universal HDTV 835
HD Theater 836
Wealth TV HDTV 837
National Geographic Channel HD 838
MHD 839
Food Network HD 840
A&E HD 842
Lifetime Movie Network HD 845
Discovery HD 846
Sports HD Channel
ESPN HD [Kent] 826
ESPN2 HD 827
ESPN2 HD [Kent] 827
Showtime HDTV 853
Starz! HDTV 855
Cinemax HDTV 852
sorry, I missed two, total of 22 HD nationals.
So how many markets does Verizon FIOS have locals in?
The Directv number for FIOS to beat is 77...
"They are still only a niche player, small potatoes."
Yep, like most cable and broadband providers. Directv is an exception, but most providers are still more like local utility companies, nothing wrong with that. It has many advantages like being able to better customize services for regional customers. Verizon however, is far from a small potatoes company. Wright has them ranked 4 times larger a company than directv.
"Wright has them ranked 4 times larger a company than Directv.
What about FIOS makes it an "upgrade"?Quote:Questioner:
There is more to an HD provider than just the number of channels
Where does FIOS HD excel then?
Directv gives out Samsungs now? Something sounds fishy!I called Directv today because my bedroom tivo box was blending two of my local channels. They had a guy here in two hours! Said my box was going out, gave me a loaner box until tomorrow and is bringing a brand new Samsung SIR-5404DR (the same box I have that went out) free of charge!
Beat that customer service.
With only 1/3 of the HD channels of their much smaller competitor...
What about FIOS makes it an "upgrade"?
Verizon however, is far from a small potatoes company. Wright has them ranked 4 times larger a company than directv.
Verizon is tricky, In my area, business hours are from 9-6 and closed on the weekends. If its not durring business hours, it not getting taken care of.Maybe different with Fios TV, but with Phone and Internet, Everything can only be taken care of through your local verizon. They have on-call tech for your Phone ,but internet for get it .Hmmm, perhaps the cost, and the best picture quality anywhere, bar none.
Verizon is tricky, In my area, business hours are from 9-6 and closed on the weekends. If its not durring business hours, it not getting taken care of.Maybe different with Fios TV, but with Phone and Internet, Everything can only be taken care of through your local verizon. They have on-call tech for your Phone ,but internet for get it .
You really don't understand do you. DUH, we ALL know VERIZON the PHONE COMPANY is a very large communications company.
And you know I meant that they are a small player in the TV space.
But, where is your chart and information that was promised. Enough rhetoric, start producing FACTS.
I don't doubt it, I have a great intrest in Fios, My in laws in have it. My first choice is premiums,then Locals,Then HD! So from what I saw from my In-laws and on the web, Aside from HD , Fios has a hell of a channel line up. They have every Cinemax their is. Direct has the same 3 they had since 1994. Satellite has limited content. They have what they must have, and thats it. D* great for sports and HD. Bad at Locals and bad at Premiums. E*, is a little better at Locals offerings,Not HD wise ,but they have more networks then D* with Superstation pack and All American Direct DNS,service thats a piece of cake to quailify for. and E* has a few more Premiums the D* ,But E*, has NO sports no HD and Customer service sucks,and fee's just piss me off! Fact is Fios right now isn't a Direct threat, But don't anyone think for a second it won't be in a few years.To me, being able to walk down the street, pick up equipment and actually talk to a fios employee of decent rank in person, not over the phone to someone in india, beats any customer service directv offers.
I should add that compared to directv, fios also offers far superior media sharing and on demand services, as well as the flexbility to use third party receivers like tivo hd.
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