It's clear that both companies would like to merge. Both have stated publically that a merge this time around would have a better chance because of increased choices for MVPD than was the case last decade. However, they are both a bit cautious about it because having been down that road, they don't want to spend the time and money if the govt. says NO again. But, no doubt, they would do it they had high enough confidence to get it approved. IMHO, it was Rupert Murdoch who pulled all the stops on Capital Hill (and how the Justice Department can be influenced on what to approve and not based upon POLITIC, not necessarily issues of competitive market) to stop the DirecTV/Dish merger back then because Rupert DESPERATELY wanted DirecTV, and he got it, only to refer to it later as a "bird turd" when Malone was on the verge of taking over NewsCorp, but Rupert relinquished DirecTV to Malone's Liberty Media in exchange for preventing Murdoch from losing control of NewsCorp. The DirecTV/Dish was the ONLY media merger NOT approved by the Justice Dept. Yet, later, the obscene, hostile to consumers merger of Comcast/NBC Universal was quite easily approved. Rotten in Denmark is the old expression?
Satellite is the most vulnerable going into the future as it is not a truly big, and less expensive ISP like ALL the other MVPD's: phone and cable companies. They still have a bright future if the TV service biz vanished, but not satellite. In general, I don't like big mergers, but I believe a merged DirecTV/Dish will be the only way they can be competitive with other MVPD's. This is why Ergen is so desperately trying to get into another business to hedge against what could be lack of growth and even shrinkage in the Sat TV biz in the future of streaming content viewed on TV and, more frightening, on tablet, and NOT Dish services, but Amazon (the Kindle Fire is doing very well) and those who already have access, and those new people who will soon subscribe, to Netflix, etc. I have no doubt Mike White and Charles are doing what they can to make it happen, but they know they have to have D.C. lined up before they expend resources actually attempting a merge.
Sour grapes again, Claude?
One of the biggest plusses in my shift from DirecTV to Dish was and is the Hopper. Why would anyone want one of the slower HR series in place of it? Certainly not the lack of a couple tuners as that could easily be added to the Hopper design.
Actually the new HR44 is pretty fast. The reason why the Hopper only has 3 tuners is because thats the most that can be supported on a single coax cable. More than 3 Tuners would require a second coax cable, which most pre-wired homes do not have. Its the same issue with the Dual Tuner technology when there was not dishpro plus technology. The number of cancelled installations was insane because there was no way to get 2 wires to the customers television set. The solution before was just to install 2 receivers, you can't really do that with a hopper that required 2 coax cables as there is no other comparable receiver to the hopper in the Dish family. So the Hopper is limited to 3 tuners. Directv could actually come out with a receiver that supports up to 8 tuners with SWM Technology.
Actually the new HR44 is pretty fast.
The reason why the Hopper only has 3 tuners is because thats the most that can be supported on a single coax cable. More than 3 Tuners would require a second coax cable, which most pre-wired homes do not have.
Its the same issue with the Dual Tuner technology when there was not dishpro plus technology. The number of cancelled installations was insane because there was no way to get 2 wires to the customers television set.
The solution before was just to install 2 receivers, you can't really do that with a hopper that required 2 coax cables as there is no other comparable receiver to the hopper in the Dish family.
So the Hopper is limited to 3 tuners.
Directv could actually come out with a receiver that supports up to 8 tuners with SWM Technology.
I'm happy with my HR34. I have no lag issues or anything. Very happy with DirecTV overall epsecially when it comes to sports. Dish doesn't have what I need --- MSG, YES, etc. If they ever do merge I hope Dish's programming issues don't carry into the new company.
this really sums up how i feel. i got no complaints about directv's service and they treated me VERY well the 6 years i was there. bottom line is i got tired of seeing the same old issues with their dvr's which by the way i am aware there are much worse out there. in my opinion the hopper with sling blows away anything else out there even with the max of 3 tuners plus one ota. i don't have anywhere near the knowledge claude has with satellite but have had my share of dvr's and i can not deny is the best. in my 10 years with dish there was one thing always great and that was the hardware and software on these babies.I was happy with Direct when I had them, but that doesn't mean the HRs weren't slow in comparison to any Dish DVR I've ever had. And the slowness of them is an issue that is asked/commented about almost every day between here and DBSTalk. I know of no single issue that has ever shown up with more regularity with either service.
If they were to merge, I think the Hopper/Joey is a much better overall solution on the hardware side. Slip a couple extra tuners into the Hopper and you get the speed of Dish, PTAT and those additional tuners. From a hardware standpoint a great solution. Minimally a couple Hoppers with unified controlling of both could accomplish the same thing.
Downside to the Hopper/Joey solution is you can't mix it with the older tech. In that scenario, D*'s solution is better, but no unified management.
I could live with either hardware, would prefer Dish's.
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