[h=6]DIRECTV has absolutely no intention of removing your favorite Viacom networks like Nickelodeon, Comedy Central or MTV. But, unfortunately, Viacom executives sent a letter to us today, forcing us to take these channels down by midnight tomorrow if we don't come to an agreement.
We asked Viacom to allow us to keep the channels up while we continue to negotiate but they refused. They are using this tactic to try and leverage over a 30% increase (that's an additional one billion dollars) from our customers. We're working diligently on a new agreement to keep making these channels available at a fair price to our customers.
But in the meantime, ask Viacom to do the right thing and give DIRECTV the permission to keep these channels on while we continue to negotiate. We will also ask Viacom to keep making these networks available during any of our private business discussions.