Thanks for the link armchair.
I have a device attached to my HD receiver that doesn't have a power cord hooked up to it. The lights on the device are not lit and probably a reason I can not view the dvr from this tv.
Here is a pcture of my device.
This forum is awesome, gonna be my new internet hangout! Good for me, probably bad for you guys as I will be asking lot's of questions, LOL!!!
Why was the DECA device installed in the first place? What is it's function?
No, the dvr does not have an Ethernet cable attached and no, there is not a splitter near the router or anywhere that I can see.
Sorry, when you say run setup where and how? Under satellite setup?
I may go ahead and remove it and try that. I don't know or I may just wait for the installer on Wednesday when he comes to install the internet kit.
Remove the DECA altogether and connect the coax from wall to the H24-100. Then go to Menu\Parental, FAVS, & Setup\System Setup\Satellite of the H24-100. Step through the sat setup to end to re-enable the Internal DECA. It should then state that it sees your networked DVR by friendly name. If not, menu restart the DVR and check both devices for networked boxes.
This will restore MRV as long as you have no ETHERNET connections. If you want the Internet to work temporarily, you'd need both connected via ETHERNET cables. Just remember to run the sat setup when the Internet Connection Kit is installed to re-enable the Internal DECAs.
I believe there's a difference between Directv extending a customer a credit and penalizing a tech for the install. Are you saying they're both one and the same?
Personally, I've never tried to isolate an issue to a tech. I remember when I was with E*, the techs would ask me to call them first if an issue arose within a certain period but I'm not aware of similar circumstances with Directv.
I think that's going a little overboard.
How, it wasn't apart of the original install and the tech install what he was supposed to install. Now because of an issue not related him he is going to eat this and people applaud D* for just robbing Peter to pay Paul.
How, it wasn't apart of the original install and the tech install what he was supposed to install. Now because of an issue not related him he is going to eat this and people applaud D* for just robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Its also not an issue related to the customer, who seems to have clearly communicated his requirements to directv and they didnt sell him a system that met his requirements.
I already said that earlier. Still isn't a tech issue and the tech paying for the free service call.
I already said that earlier. Still isn't a tech issue and the tech paying for the free service call.
I see your point but you did use my situation as an example. I clearly feel the sales person just said things to get my order. I'm also pretty sure that this happens a lot and the majority of the time it is the fault of the salesperson. No, it isn't right to punish the installer for this but apparently they choose to live with it.
If you choose to stay, hopefully, in the future you may find that calling back CSRs as an existing customer is as pleasant as I have found recently. Hasn't failed me yet, when I get "that guy" that asks, "How can I make your Directv experience more pleasant for you today?', he usually goes the extra length to try stay true to his question!
The only tv you can rewind and pause live tv on is the room that has the DVR. For some reason both the kids and I thought this was possible to do in all rooms. But after giving it a little thought, it makes since that you can't do it on tv's that don't have the DVR.
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