bonscott87 said:
Spaceway 1 and 2 are also spotbeam only sats. If anything is to be used already in orbit it would be DirecTV 8.
Here is what we do know:
1) D*8 has 1,000 MHz of Ka bandwidth. This is EQUAL to BOTH Spaceways. I can find no mention of it being either spot or CONUS, but since it does not have the "S" designation, I will assume CONUS.
2) Original plan for the Ka bandwidth on D*8 was to connect D* ground uplink facilities.
3) D*8 is at the 101 slot.
4) D* has now said they will have 68 LIL markets up by the end of the year.
What we, or at least me, don't know:
1) Can the current AT9 dish receive Ka from the 101 slot. Neither D* 10 or 11 are going to the 101 slot.
2) Are their legitimately 100 HD channels counting current channels, alternate coast versions of some of them, all HD RSN's, the new FOX HD suite plus a few other announced channels? Or reasonably close to 100?
1) Would it not be more efficient to use a satellite designed to connect high numbers of ground stations (Spaceways since they were originally designed to provide DirecWay internet service) to connect D*'s uplink facilities.
2) Was the rumor floating around that after D* had announced the 50th HD LIL market that they were done for the year TRUE? If it was, what changed to allow them to now uplink 68 markets?
3) I do find it interesting that none of the usual sources have chimed in much about this to either confirm or deny.
4) Rupert was drunk and had no idea what he was saying.