During the inital testing the word was simply "no plan" for two monitors.
Obviously could change, but as of now, I wouldn't expect it.
Obviously could change, but as of now, I wouldn't expect it.
A slingboxA few months ago someone here told me of a company that sells a box that will hook up to hd/dvr and then to home pc but for the life of me I can't remember the companies name. Can anyone help? Or if there is another way to watch the shows on my home DVR which is Oklahoma from a PC in Texas I would be most greatful. Thank You
My issue is with the requiring a new key each time you reinstall or upgrade your install of the application. I don't understand why i can't use the same key I have used on another install to reinstall or upgrade what I have. I installed Win 7 RC on my system and now I am dead in the water cause I can't get another key sent to me. I have been trying for over a day now with no luck. This not being able to reuse a key is nuts.
Can we get the D2PC5102 to work with two DVR? If so how do I do it? When I instulled the app it sees both DVRs but I can only use it for one at a time. Inorder to change to the other DVR I had to re-install the app and select the other DVR.
Thanks, I am only seeing one DVR in that list and the arror buttons are grayed out. even though in the inital setup the app seen both DVR's.
Is there anyway to get more than just 2 serial numbers?
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