I downloaded the CE last night and am watching the VOD gold medal Volleyball match right now(looks very good).. going to dl the Movie from 1080 also...
Well I downloaded the newest CE software version and now I can't get any OnDemand movies to show up at all. Everything is grayed out. I wonder if it downloaded an old software version by mistake. Thanks for any help.
It is not possible to d/l an old version. Check your network settings, especially if you supply advanced/manual settings. I had an issue where somehow the configuration got screwy and I had to reset.
Also, reboot the recvr.
I least 2hrs I would guess; I was just under that with 6mpbs down, but I have heard some people say either DirecTV or the receiver limits the speed at a certain point. I have no idea.
I downloaded "The Bucket List" on my HR20-100 yesterday and I can say that the picture looked great. I hope we will see much more of this coming soon.
How long did it take to d/l and what speed is your connection ?
I did not check to see when it was done but it did not take that long. I started downloading it and began watching it about 3 hours later. My connection is 15MB.
Is the movie The Bucket List a 1080p/24fps or 60fps recording? I found out that my tv will do 60fps but not 24fps on a 1080p signal. I have the Sony KDS 60A2000. Thanks.
It's 1080p/24.
Man o man, are both Dish and D* people freaking out about this one.
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