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Dish 500, VIP211 Install Issue | SatelliteGuys.US

Dish 500, VIP211 Install Issue


Original poster
May 11, 2009
Hi folks, new to the site as a poster, but been reading stuff for the last couple weeks trying to figure out what my issue is.

I've taken my Dish VIP211 receiver to my summer cottage and can't get a signal AT ALL. I have a Dish 500 with the Dish Pro Plus Twin LNBF on it. I currently have the RG6 cable running from Port 1 to the Satellite IN port on the back of the receiver. No Switch inbetween, no splitter, or anything like that. Just direct from the DPP Twin LNBF to the Receiver. With this setup, I get zero signal, not even a faint one.

It's my understanding that you only need one cable hooked up to one of the ports (either one doesn't matter) and run that to the satellite. Is this true?

My neighbor brought over a signal finder to try to dial in the satellite. It kept telling him "OVER CURRENT." Not sure what that means as I'm no technician and have never used one of those before. Thought it might provide a clue though.

I've checked, and double-checked the Skew & Angle settings, and they're correct for my area. At home, I have no issues. But I have a 1000.2 with 3 LNBF's at home. But that shouldn't really make a difference as far as I know.

Do I need to add a Switch or something? I feel that since I'm getting No signal what-so-ever that I'm missing something stupid.
It sounds like you have it connected right.

One thing you have to do is run "check switch" from the Point Dish screen to set the receiver up for the different dish. When you go home you'll have to do it again to set it back.

Not sure why you're getting over current on the signal meter. It might be a bad switch in the LNB or it could be just a low battery on the meter.
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Over current can mean a few things, you might have a short in the line, or it could be an older meter that can't power a DPPlus Twin (it can draw up to 400mA in some conditions). Check all your connections and make sure there aren't any shielding braids wrapped around a stinger. then chck your cable from one end to the other for damage. Post your results and let us know if we can be of any more assistance. Also if you could let us know what kind of meter your friend was using that may help.
Thanks for the info guys. I'm not going to see my friend with the meter until this weekend. So I'll write down the brand and model and post that next Monday. And I'll double-check the wiring and such for any damage. And my connectors.

As for the check switch, when I run that, it comes back with No Satellites found.

Could it be the LNBF is just bad? Maybe the built-in switch went bad in it? Do you think it's worth the $70 to buy a new one and try that?
The LNBF could be bad, but more likely it's an alignment issue.

With Dish Networks new second home policy you can have the system installed by them for a very reasonable rate, maybe even free. I would check into that and get it done right.
What is their Second Home Policy? Is that where you shut off one of your receivers for a couple months at a time? We go up to our place on Fridays and come home on Sundays. So shutting off won't work for me.
No, you make an appointment to have the system installed at your second home. You take your home receiver with you and they will install it at the second home using a local installer. When you go there after that, you just take the receiver and hook it up. They'll even change your locals to whatever location you're using, you just call them.

Depending on your plan, they might do it for free. They did for me. Give them a call, it's a great deal.
Is there....

No, you make an appointment to have the system installed at your second home. You take your home receiver with you and they will install it at the second home using a local installer. When you go there after that, you just take the receiver and hook it up. They'll even change your locals to whatever location you're using, you just call them.

Depending on your plan, they might do it for free. They did for me. Give them a call, it's a great deal.

any info available on their website for this new "second" home policy? This is "he of little faith" on what dish says as compared to what they do...
I called about this Snowbird program this morning. The only thing that sucks for me is that you have to call each time you switch residences. So I would have to call them on Friday nights when I get to my summer home and Sunday nights when I go back to my primary residence. Seems like a hassle. Does it take a long time on the phone with them to get it switched? Of course, they say it will only take 30 seconds, but how long am I actually going to be on the phone with them? 5 minutes, 10 minutes?
I do it online with the online chat, but you don't have to call them at all. The system will work without the call, you just won't get the locals.
It's my understanding that you only need one cable hooked up to one of the ports (either one doesn't matter) and run that to the satellite. Is this true?

Yes that is true.

Did you try ports 1 and 2?

If he plugged in to the Wing in port then he could have gotten that error message.

Otherwise you have a bad LNB
I've got Dish Network scheduled to come hook up my stuff tomorrow morning. I'm using that Snowbird thing they have. I'll post early next week on how it turned out.

Credit card needed?

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