Yep, the grass is always greener at the neighbors house.
It must be great to keep switching services.
I mean after all I've had 5 cars in the last 3 years because the last one I really liked was a Chevy Blazer,
But jeez, Dodge has a hemi!!!!

Yeah but Ford has a new Cobra,
I'm getting the Ford, that one as 25 more HP. besides everyone knows GM stinks, they're losing customers everyday, they just aren't giving us what we want. :devil:
What are the DTV naysayers going to do with themselves when the SAT rollout is complete. Which will happen, AND most likley within the time frame they've been talking about all along.
I've been with DTV for 9 years, before that Primestar, before that TWC.
Cable sucked, and cost too much at the time.
Primestar offered more channels and a lower price, they delivered, DTV bought out Primestar, promises were made to us about improved service, more channels than ever before and they delivered.
Let's face it we're mostly a bunch of early adopters, Ask anyone around the watercooler if they have HD and they think it's an STD.
As early adopters, we have to patient, Satellites aren't shot from slingshots and turned on with a clapper.
I believe the wait will be worth it.
Now for the others... Say it with me....