that means the show is ready to download the the mobile device.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I guess I'm still confused about the whole "transfer to a mobile device" process. I think the issue is the use of the term "transfer" vs "copy".
As I understand it….
1 - By default my new Hopper3 was set to "Smart prepare for mobile"
2 - Some, but not all, of my DVR recordings were actually "smart prepared…" (i.e. the ones with the down arrow).
3 - The ones that were not "smart prepared…" don't have the down arrow and will take longer to transfer.
4 - Once a DVR recording is "transferred" to my iPhone, the down arrow is replaced by a green check mark and I can watch it without being connected to the internet.
5 - At this point the DVR recording appears in BOTH the Hopper3 DVR list and the Dish Anywhere Transferred recording list.
6 - And I can watch the recorded/transferred program on BOTH the DVR and Dish Anywhere (iPhone) without an Internet connection.
7 - After watching the "transferred" recording on the iPhone my only options appear to be to watch it again or delete it. IOW there is no option to "transfer" the program back to the Hopper3.
Here's where I get confused…
Are there actually two copies of the recorded program (i.e on the Hopper3 and on iPhone)?
Does deleting the transferred program on the iPhone leave a usable copy on the Hopper3?
I ask because I thought that Dish always maintained only one copy of a recorded program. For example transferring a recorded program to an EHD removes the program from the Hooper3's HD.
Thanks again in Advance