I love my Dish..really I do. But they have got to get their stuff straight so far as billing.
I have had to call them at least 10 times (and this in itself is no fun, but that's for another post) to straighten out billing errors. Dumb ones. Like continuing to be charged for the "Programming access fee" when I have had my phone line hooked up since day 3. I have a jack especially put in just for the dish box. Nothing else. An $89.00 phone jack, and they still cannot recognize it. I have run the phone test connection feature until I can't see straight, I have done the "dial out" for them. They have records of all the tests in the Tech support system. I don't know why I have to call them every month and go over this again to get the fee taken off.
Then, there is a mysterious charge for $23.98 on my account that had a zero balance since the day after I paid them $132.11 for my first two month's service. After cancelling HBO before the third month, it had a -$13.08 balance. Now all of a sudden it is showing the charges for the next month, PLUS a carryover from the previous bill. C'mon.
I called again and had to spend another half hour getting that straight. Then she told me the charge for the phone line not being connected was on there. Um, no. So off I go to Tech support again. That nightmare lasted 10 minutes just on hold and pushing 1 or 2 or whatever going through the system to get to them. Tech support says "yea, we see the phone line hooked up. Don't know what billing's problem is." Here, we'll send a new box and check yours when it comes in."
So for the moment at least I have everything settled. My monthly bill is where it should be... $60.97(minus the $10.00/month for the rebate that I sent the forms in for two months ago and they still have not recieved. Another story for another post.) But we shall see what happens next month. I should have known better. When I got this service, I was told by the installers that they could only guarentee a window of 3 months. So I will be getting cable again in the spring. Sad, really. Because I love the reception and channels with Dish. And, the price is definately not bad considering what I was paying for cable/internet.
Thanks for listeneing...I just had to rant somewhere.
Maybe someone here has a suggestion on how to deal with the billing department to get this resolved? Oh, and does anyone have a number or some way to get ahold of the "rebate" department so I can find out what the heck happend to my forms? Wow..talk about left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing...!sadroll
I have had to call them at least 10 times (and this in itself is no fun, but that's for another post) to straighten out billing errors. Dumb ones. Like continuing to be charged for the "Programming access fee" when I have had my phone line hooked up since day 3. I have a jack especially put in just for the dish box. Nothing else. An $89.00 phone jack, and they still cannot recognize it. I have run the phone test connection feature until I can't see straight, I have done the "dial out" for them. They have records of all the tests in the Tech support system. I don't know why I have to call them every month and go over this again to get the fee taken off.
Then, there is a mysterious charge for $23.98 on my account that had a zero balance since the day after I paid them $132.11 for my first two month's service. After cancelling HBO before the third month, it had a -$13.08 balance. Now all of a sudden it is showing the charges for the next month, PLUS a carryover from the previous bill. C'mon.
I called again and had to spend another half hour getting that straight. Then she told me the charge for the phone line not being connected was on there. Um, no. So off I go to Tech support again. That nightmare lasted 10 minutes just on hold and pushing 1 or 2 or whatever going through the system to get to them. Tech support says "yea, we see the phone line hooked up. Don't know what billing's problem is." Here, we'll send a new box and check yours when it comes in."
So for the moment at least I have everything settled. My monthly bill is where it should be... $60.97(minus the $10.00/month for the rebate that I sent the forms in for two months ago and they still have not recieved. Another story for another post.) But we shall see what happens next month. I should have known better. When I got this service, I was told by the installers that they could only guarentee a window of 3 months. So I will be getting cable again in the spring. Sad, really. Because I love the reception and channels with Dish. And, the price is definately not bad considering what I was paying for cable/internet.
Thanks for listeneing...I just had to rant somewhere.

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