You can view your statements online. :upAfter spending a lot of time with several customer representatives I found out that apparently if you have an Internet connection and a phone line connected you are not allowed to see your bill. You have to disconnect the Internet. I complained about this since they were no longer sending me a bill. Because of my complaint they sent me a bill in the mail for several months (even though we have auto pay) but this have since stopped doing it.
It's clear that they don't want you to see your bill (either on paper of the TV) because your might not like what you see.
You can view your statements online. :up
If you are connected to broadband, that is why. What you are trying to do requires a landline telephone or Vonage.
Ignorance is bliss.Did you not read the part that says "via phone line"...No where did I say I was connected via broadband. Reading helps before posting.
Did you not read the part that says "via phone line"...No where did I say I was connected via broadband. Reading helps before posting.
Let's see, you said the same thing over at the other site, and when you got the same answers came back with the same cocky "did you read the part..." line. Maybe it is the way you asked the original question that is the problem, not their answers, considering you got the same answers on two different sites.![]()
Did you not read the part that says "via phone line"...No where did I say I was connected via broadband. Reading helps before posting.
I do not know how the heck someone could not understand my question. Did I say I was using broadband, a satellite phone, a FAX machine, or a Hayes 1200 BPS modem...NO I clearly said a "phone line". The other posters failed to read/understand the post (Similar to what the useless DISH CSR reps are trained) and assumed that I was connecting using another method.
Your comeback is a little rough. Take the feed back and run with it.
Can someone please check to see if they can call out to view your bill via the phone line. My fails at retrieving the info, but is able to call out OK.
this is very common comes and goes for no apparent reason, and effects both of my 722s at same time.
its a E issue perhaps a too small caspability somehow?
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