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DISH CES Press Conference Announcements | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

DISH CES Press Conference Announcements

Yeah more and more 4K content is on the way Netflix,Amazon and it would not take much for the networks to switch from HD to 4K plus Blu-Ray movies will be 4K since the disk already have the space to support it. It more or less getting more hardware out there to do it and we are seeing more TV Manufacturers plus Monitors moving towards 4K which will drive down the cost of them as well.. I plan on upgrading my main TV sometime this year will for sure get a 4K model most likely a Samsung or Sony. :)
I assume that screenshot on the 4K Joey spec sheet is a sample of what this "flat design" will look like?
I am not looking forward to it if it is. That high contrast black hurts my eyes, I always hated DirecTV's darker colored user interface over Dish's 922/Hopper/Joey style. Like the lighter colors better.
I assume that screenshot on the 4K Joey spec sheet is a sample of what this "flat design" will look like?
I am not looking forward to it if it is. That high contrast black hurts my eyes, I always hated DirecTV's darker colored user interface over Dish's 922/Hopper/Joey style. Like the lighter colors better.
"Flat Design" has nothing to do with the physical shape of the product. It is a type of UI.

Think of the blocky, mono-colored, two-dimensional look of the Windows 8 Metro screen. For some reason that I cannot fathom, Apple, Google, and just about every other SW maker is switching over to this fugly, simplistic, throwback to DOS CGA graphics like Lemmings over a cliff into the sea.
Agree with all you said above, Gary, except I think bobvick was not talking about the physical shape of the product.
Because one site broke embargo, I have received permission from DISH Network to post all of today's forthcoming announcements.

The 4K Joey looks SWEET!


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Leg me guess, The Verge?

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I like the new remote - reminds me of the one from CES a few years ago we all went crazy for. I hope it works with all Hoppers and Joeys (even H2000 systems like mine) and is affordable.
Maybe Scott can remember, but when Vivek was on Satellite Guys radio the first time, he said the reasoning behind making it a 4K Joey vs a 4K Hopper. I can't remember exactly what he said. It's cool that we are seeing things from that interview back then come to market. He mentioned not liking the remote and music videos via Vevo way back then. Also I can't help but think it's kinda funny that the touchpad remote from the never released 722s come back in a slightly different form.
I like the new remote - reminds me of the one from CES a few years ago we all went crazy for. I hope it works with all Hoppers and Joeys (even H2000 systems like mine) and is affordable.
From the Sydney spec sheet:
Sydney, the innovative touchpad remote
control with voice recognition that provides
the most user-friendly experience with the
Hopper® or Hopper with Sling®.
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I asked roger from slingtv about the bit rate.

He said they encode in 13 different rates. The highest being 5Mbps for ESPN. They are using multiple CDN's.
so vevo,tunein and iheart radio coming does anyone know when?vivek said there are more coming so i am hoping for these three slacker,spotify and rdio.thanks for tunein coming i appreciate it very much.
I dont think sling tv is going to work for one reason. Watch ESPN. Most people who I know between the ages of 18-35 just suck that content off of their parents account and use watch espn services for their sports fix or just go to the sports bar. I think its going to flop but that's my opinion. On top of that they are too busy paying off student loans, let alone having the extra 20 bucks to pay for TV.
I dont think sling tv is going to work for one reason. Watch ESPN. Most people who I know between the ages of 18-35 just suck that content off of their parents account and use watch espn services for their sports fix or just go to the sports bar. I think its going to flop but that's my opinion. On top of that they are too busy paying off student loans, let alone having the extra 20 bucks to pay for TV.
The convenience of having the content in one place (on your device) might make it attractive enough. Given more than one stream at a time, my dish would be down day one.
I guess it could be an option but they really appear to be moving towards a more and more graphical interface. The Hopper UI was just a big step in that direction.


just about every other SW maker is switching over to this fugly, simplistic, throwback to DOS CGA graphics like Lemmings over a cliff into the sea.
The convenience of having the content in one place (on your device) might make it attractive enough. Given more than one stream at a time, my dish would be down day one.

All your doing is putting all of that content into one app in turn that content is already on the device. People will continue to use Hulu, Neflix and Watch ESPN apps. They are not going to pay 20 bucks just to have the ability to see that content within a single app considering that its only a few clicks away on their device allready. Most TV providers such as Directv, Comcast, Cox already have solutions where that content can get streamed to the devices with a pay tv account. As a Millennial, why pay for something that I could get for free off of my parents account. All they need is the username and password to access! Millennial's wont subscribe to some sort of pay tv service until they are married and have kids, and own a home. Which wont happen because of the current student loan situation. Why pay 20 bucks when you can torrent for free is really what its going to boil down too. I like the idea behind the service but I don't think it will be accepted.

Switching Hoppers from room to room

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