Anyone know what the quality will be like for the free stream tonight for Walking Dead? I'm thinking about signing up and hook-up my Macbook Pro to my TV.
Just can't seem to find any info on the stream itself.
Too much traffic on the site causing it too be slow. Thanks Charlie
I called in and received a $42 credit. Asked if I qualified for any offers and the rep said premiums for 1/2 off for six months. When I said I probably wouldn't watch them enough to make it worthwhile he offered to give me Showtime, Cinemax or Starz for 1/2 off with a $5 monthly credit for six months so that it would only be $1.90 per month for one premium. I imagine I can get that much value out of a premium so I took Showtime for their original programming.
gpollock87 said:there have been hundreds (maybe even more) posts in the past hour on the dish facebook page about amc.
You know, If Dish and AMC would quit acting like 2 year olds(I may be insulting 2 yr olds) none of this be happening, Now I am mad at Dish and AMC for this. You can blame who you want , I blame both for playing chicken at our expense! Neither is worried about the sub just the win! Guess what you are both losers in my book!
Those of your stirring this all up again at the eleventh hour are the ones acting like children.AMC didn't cause this problem DISH NETWORK did. They are the ones acting like children, or maybe I should say Charlie is. Charlie is the person that took his ball, and went home with it, NOT AMC.
#dishsucks is a busy hashtag on twitter tonight. I wonder how many pissed off dish customers there is?
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