Thanks guys, I thought these June 3rd changes and STELLA was changing all that but i guess not. Thanks for the responses.
The main page for checking yourlocals has changed, now says 100% of country is cover but when you try tocheck any address I get a compilation error. Anyone else able to check an address??
Under the options it said to call the 888 number to make changes, which I did. The hold was longer then normal, but not unreasonable. I was told they are not offering the Significantly Viewed channels (I was hoping to get Syracuse, NY HD along with my SD Binghamton locals).
I'm in the Utica N.Y. market and I get my networks through AAD. What do I have to do to get them from Dish? What Satellite will they be on? I get 110 and 119 will I need a new Dish? And can I keep AAD? I like getting the NY City stations for Jets and Giants games.
Utica is on 119 but you need a receiver that can support 8PSK
311 or a VIP receiver will
What receiver (s) do you have?
I'm in the Utica N.Y. market and I get my networks through AAD. What do I have to do to get them from Dish?
When you get them, which CBS do they give you? If you're in Oneida County WTVH is SV. If you're in Otsego or Herkimer County it should be WRGB, but WRGB does not show in the Utica channel map.
WRGB is the only CBS that's SV in Herkimer and Otsego Counties.
I know when they did some other 8PSK MPEG2 markets they said on the Chat that you had to have a ViP receiver. But I don't see that as being true since they would have marked them as ViP MPEG2 SD...and made them MPEG4 anyways. So if you can get them on 311 or other MPEG2 receiver that is 8PSK capable, let us know.
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