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Dish Network: Distant Networks

Done.. proud payer of Denver ABC and NBC, Atlanta ABC and NBC, Chicago NBC and ABC (was to replace Atlanta, but they haven't cut off Atlanta yet) and also the Los Angeles locals which are local to me.
I just wish the FFC would let me have locals in the state in which i Live but they want me to watch Texas locals. Its bad when you can not even see what kind of job the people you have to vote for are doing.

Next they will be telling us what newspapers we can read..

Sent. I don't have distants because I have San Diego locals (plus a Slingbox in Hawaii), but I think that others should have the option.
I sent mine, and I sent an e-mail to my sister and had her send an e-mail, too. I have waivers and love my distant networks. I want to keep them.
Sorry Charlie, but I'm not buying the patriotic rhetoric. The fact is your company, and ONLY your company, refused to play by the rules for many years and now Dish Network (and unfortunately your customers) are going to have the suffer the consequence. It's just that simple. I do hope the laws are eventually changed to allow those who abide by the law (DirecTV and others) to purchase out of market locals in the future.
Monopoly BAD...Competition GOOD

In rural america where satellite is the only option, if Dish Network were to be banned from offering distant networks, DirecTV would have a MONOPOLY on a essential service as far as watching TV is concerned. And if theres one thing I don't like its a monopoly. Ok, I like the board game but thats it :D .

So I sent in my emails to my senators/representatives
riffjim4069 said:
Sorry Charlie, but I'm not buying the patriotic rhetoric. The fact is your company, and ONLY your company, refused to play by the rules for many years and now Dish Network (and unfortunately your customers) are going to have the suffer the consequence. It's just that simple. I do hope the laws are eventually changed to allow those who abide by the law (DirecTV and others) to purchase out of market locals in the future.

Ditto on this for me also. I got the email from this site about this situation, and I also am in no way going to support Charlie Ergen on this. He and his Company have been breaking the law on this for years, so now he has to pay and goes crying to his customers for help. NO THANKS! He created the situation, so now he can deal with it.
JerseyGuy said:
In rural america where satellite is the only option, if Dish Network were to be banned from offering distant networks, DirecTV would have a MONOPOLY on a essential service as far as watching TV is concerned. And if theres one thing I don't like its a monopoly. Ok, I like the board game but thats it :D .

So, how is DirectTV allowed to have Distant Networks and not Dish? If its an access fee that Charlie just doesn't want to pay, then yea he should whine about something else. p.s. sent my 3 anyway.

Maybe I'm behind, and don't know all of the story, but if Charlie did something where only Dish will lose them, then I believe it is Dish that should face some consequences, such as a fine or something, but don't punish the customer who had nothing to do with it.

So what everyone is saying, this is not an issue, that is....

It only applies to Dish Network because Charlie has an issue with a "Very Few Local Broadcasters", and soon DirecTV will absorb/merge Dish and the problem will go away.

I'm under the impression that the feds basically allows those outside a DMA to receive distant broadcasts. So what's the problem? Did a Federal court over-rule the federal government?

So instead of writing to congress, how about a list of those broadcasters so that if we choose, we can boycott them, their advertisers, and their towns.

Also, if the court has ruled against Dish, then I would expect it to apply to DirecTV, and to the cable companies - such as those cables companies within one DMA providing channels to customers from their DMA plus from another DMA .

At my Denver (DMA) account, which has a O/O CBS station and not an affiliate CBS station, Dish would not let me have CBS-HD East and/or West.

Will someone enligthen me with the real cause so I can make an informed request to multiple states.
riffjim4069 said:
Sorry Charlie, but I'm not buying the patriotic rhetoric. The fact is your company, and ONLY your company, refused to play by the rules for many years and now Dish Network (and unfortunately your customers) are going to have the suffer the consequence. It's just that simple. I do hope the laws are eventually changed to allow those who abide by the law (DirecTV and others) to purchase out of market locals in the future.

AMEN! I also agree with this statement!:hatsoff:
riffjim4069 said:
I do hope the laws are eventually changed to allow those who abide by the law (DirecTV and others) to purchase out of market locals in the future.

If you only knew the truth ..I know of areas that DTV is giving out locals and they should not be. DTV uses Zipcodes only and some zips have more than one DMA. Maybe i need to get them after DTV and maybe they will take all there locals away from them.

Please DTV is no better ....these companys just want our money...
Got the email from dish this morning. Immediately emailed all three Vermont legislators.

Personally I think a case could be made for possible federal intervention in this matter. If nothing else, just based on the fact that the whole spirit of Shvia - Shvera is supposedly to insure that rural area customers can get network television.

No court should be able to impose punishment on a company that directly hurts innocent consumers throughout the country who had no part in the "crime".

The judication of this ruling will effectively take away what the congress has enacted special laws to provide.
I tried to send but would not accept my phone number, tried several times no luck.
This is important because my most locals are 56 miles away and unavilable. No cable, it is lucky that we have electricity and dialup on phone lines put in the 50's.

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