The rumor was Verizon was "looking to buy a cable company," which IMHO was spread to send people and press looking in the other direction when Verizon was probably already close to cutting a deal with Dish. The problem is that Spectrum (the merged Charter/TWC) has a lot of debt thanks to that merge, and that is not appealing to any company until a good part of that debt is retired. Even this Administration is not likely to allow Spectrum to get even bigger with a huge wireless carrier like Verizon, for now. The old phrase, "too soon." Also, Dish is far better set for what Verizon needs to compete with AT&T by having SlingTV up and running and even some of Dish's wireless spectrum that Verizon can work with the FCC to keep or not as part of the deal. But, I do dread the notion, as you do. Verizon, UUHHHGGG!I thought charter was buying Verizon?
I hope they don't get bought out. Things are miserable at Dish and I hope it stays that way.
And you're a broken record.I'll probably have an easier job getting my money from Verizon than Charlie.
He is a cheap screw.
Maybe Charlie could sell spectrum bandwidth from his tailgate.Considering the transfer of assets from Echostar to Dish ONLY Verizon (among likley buyers) would, smartly, demand as part of the deal, it HAS TO BE Verizon, and they desperately need Dish. IMHO, this is a purchase of Dish that will have Verizon in complete control and a complete buy out of Charlie. Charlie might be given a seat on the board as a very minority owner (think poor old Ted Turner when he sold Turner to TW: an ineffectual board member who nobody on TW the board took seriously). Charlie will still have Echostar to play with and rule. But it would be a far smaller Echostar, but he could do some things with it.
Oh, yes, IMHO, it is Verizon. They are the ONLY one who NEEDS Dish now. I hope Verizon does not bring its horrid bad for consumer "wireless provider" Verizon model of pricing to Dish. I think an announcement is coming very soon.
What does Verizon get with an outdated Sat service that is on the way out (in the sense of the typical pay tv model). Seems like a lot of overhead to get spectrum
I really think the issue is nobody wants to work with Dish because they have a history of screwing over everyone they have ever worked with.
Rupert Murdoch got screwed Royally 17 years ago
I'm sure they'd bring their pricing model to DISH, so I could stay on the Top 200 until I die for $59.99.
Somebody wants to sell some stock..much like the dish/att rumorsNot saying Verizon can't change their minds, however less than five months ago they stated at a stockholder meeting, and repeated when asked by analysts two months ago they were not interested in DISH. I don't know if being said at a stockholder meeting or to analysts makes any difference. I heard McAdam (From Verizon) specifically say on Bloomberg not more than three weeks ago that he knows where the rumors are coming from because Verizon has looked into the spectrum DISH has, and he repeated they have no interest in buying DISH. That is consistent with what Shammo (Verizon) said.
My real skepticism is Verizon has been extracting itself from the TV business in many markets, and stopped expanding the ones they still have except where they were contractually obligated to.
This is the link associated around the time of the interview, but there are many others.
On the other hand, the transfer of assets sure seems to be a tie in to something happening with DISH. Maybe it's not with Verizon...
I would bet that if they screwed you, they didn't enjoy it.
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