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Dish Rated as Worst Company to Work For by Employees | Page 7 | SatelliteGuys.US

Dish Rated as Worst Company to Work For by Employees

I have worked for two large RSP's who (like dish) have very high standards and have employees working on holidays with no holiday pay. Of course no one likes to be working when they want to be spending time with family but obviously we don't always get what we want. Both companies I've worked for have been great experiences and still currently working at one... Our completion rates and T/C rates are good and were always trying to do better... What I don't get is why dish does not offer there top RSP's some sort of discount on service.
My rsp trys to work with the DISH holidays. For holiday pay we get $20 extra per job plus an increase in hourly pay. Our tech pay is based on csats tc 12 tc 30 and connections for a bouns pay plus our hourly. All I can say is I can make great money with my rsp. Im expected to have a 2% tc and 4%tc 30 anything higher and my bouns gets smaller. And i have not been under a 10 on csats in the last 14 months. And ripping out the old cables and running new. Hell that's really easy to do takes maybe 90 mins to rewire a 4 room. And to remount a dish its my understanding dish prefers the wall mount to the roof or over hang roof mount or the pole mount. Infact if you check their mounting guide its option number one...why would this fail a qc?
Allen1982 said:
My rsp trys to work with the DISH holidays. For holiday pay we get $20 extra per job plus an increase in hourly pay. Our tech pay is based on csats tc 12 tc 30 and connections for a bouns pay plus our hourly. All I can say is I can make great money with my rsp. Im expected to have a 2% tc and 4%tc 30 anything higher and my bouns gets smaller. And i have not been under a 10 on csats in the last 14 months. And ripping out the old cables and running new. Hell that's really easy to do takes maybe 90 mins to rewire a 4 room. And to remount a dish its my understanding dish prefers the wall mount to the roof or over hang roof mount or the pole mount. Infact if you check their mounting guide its option number one...why would this fail a qc?

@25 Posts my convinced face is identical to my "you've been working for dish just long enough to not smell what's cooking" face.

Sent from my fingers.
Was going to post this on its own, but I figured it fit here.

We install what we sell and our customers usually call us directly with any problems, questions, upgrades etc. If they for what ever reason call Dish, and the CSR determines that a tech roll is needed (which they do at the drop of a hat), Dish schedules it and sends us the information of when it is scheduled, if we don't respond to Dish within 12 hours to tell them we accept the job, and take care of the customer by the scheduled time, we are charged $100 by Dish. We usually get 1 or 2 of these a month.

For what ever reason, when a holiday is coming up, you can bet we will get one. Today we get one for 11/22, Thursday afternoon... I just want to reach through the phone and slap the CSRs that schedule this. Our business is closed for the 4 day weekend. If we can't get a hold of the customer and reschedule it we have to show up at that time. We did get a hold of the customer and I took care of them today. Of course it wasn't a warranty call, 90% of calls like this (scheduled by Dish CSRs) aren't warranty, even though the service plan only cover warranty calls. A full rate service call from Dish or us is $95, but the CSRs will always sell the customer the protection plan, so that a service call is $15. Of course again they don't care if it is warranty or not, they send us out to make a total of $15.

I asked the customer if he requested Thanksgiving day, I got the same response we always do; "No, I told Dish I didn't want anyone to have to work that day" to which the CSR responded, "we are open that day, it isn't your problem, that is our next opening". Dish treating Thanks Giving, Xmas, the 4th... like any other day of the year is pathetic, and they wonder why they have the worst employee moral.
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To some people, TV is just too important and if a company offers to come on a holiday, many will gladly take it. That said, in the case of this customer, they should have said they weren't going to be home or something...
brad1138 said:
At least Walmart pays holiday pay to work on holidays...

That's funny you.mention that....not only do in-house techs get paid our regular hourly rate for working, we also get paid a holiday pay day, as well as just starting this year an extra bonus for working those days if you end up having to work it


As well as dish now has policy to only allow tc's and service calls for issues be scheduled on major holidays, (unless like this Thanksgiving something like thousands of customers happen to switch).

So Dish still carries that feeling of a horrible company to work for, which will take time to shake, it seems things are improving.
Odd tidbit from my install yesterday. The installer told me when I got the survey, if I was happy to put nothing lower than a 10. He said 1-9 was considered a fail. Thats a little ridiculous to me. Say the customer is just in a crappy mood, or a math teacher, and giving a 10 is not mentally possible. Make it pass or fail or something. Also told me that 0 would equal 10 on the call, if you went to punch "1" then "0", he would get a "1'". Dumb again.
Jason Whiddon said:
Odd tidbit from my install yesterday. The installer told me when I got the survey, if I was happy to put nothing lower than a 10. He said 1-9 was considered a fail. Thats a little ridiculous to me. Say the customer is just in a crappy mood, or a math teacher, and giving a 10 is not mentally possible. Make it pass or fail or something. Also told me that 0 would equal 10 on the call, if you went to punch "1" then "0", he would get a "1'". Dumb again.
You are preaching to the choir. But all he said is true. Us guys get hammered and lose any possibility of Incentive pay if our average drops below 9.6 out of ten.
7 or less is a zero, you can easily fall below that 9.6 and then you start playing with the techs possibility of a yearly increase and/or promotions between levels.
They put up a volunteer list for Thanksgiving, Black Friday (which is a paid Dish holiday) Xmas, and New Years at our shop. I think it was 13 guys for Thanksgiving and Friday. I worked about 6 hours, made an extra hundred bucks, and made it home for dinner with time to spare. The only one of those days I won't work is Xmas. The volunteer lists are already filled up by mostly younger guys who don't mind working.

I think there are still a LOT of issues Dish needs to address, but the holiday policy is a step in the right direction.
My job works everyday, 365/7. I just dont get the big deal with Holidays, as long as you are compensated. Im salary, so when i work a holiday I get a day to use elsewhere which is fine by me. Id rather have a planned Vac day, as opposed to being off Turkey Day, 4th of July, etc...

When i went to schedule my install last week, Thu was blanked out on Dish's website. I would have never picked that day anyways.
satnewb said:
They put up a volunteer list for Thanksgiving, Black Friday (which is a paid Dish holiday) Xmas, and New Years at our shop. I think it was 13 guys for Thanksgiving and Friday. I worked about 6 hours, made an extra hundred bucks, and made it home for dinner with time to spare. The only one of those days I won't work is Xmas. The volunteer lists are already filled up by mostly younger guys who don't mind working.

I think there are still a LOT of issues Dish needs to address, but the holiday policy is a step in the right direction.

We had a few guys out heck of late on Thursday. One could careless as it was just another 'take a check to the bank' day.
No volunteer list at the RSP I work for. Mandatory to work holidays with no possibility of getting one off. Pretty sad :(

lost ALL satellite signals on 2H/2J. Do I need to replace Duo Node?


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